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#NNPA BlackPress

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Battles for Political Survival Amidst Contentious Primary in New York’s 16th District

NNPA NEWSWIRE — During the interview, Bowman expressed deep concern over the influence of big money in politics. “We cannot have a democracy if we allow big money to control our politics and to allow big money and billionaires to buy our elections,” Bowman stated.
The post Rep. Jamaal Bowman Battles for Political Survival Amidst Contentious Primary in New York’s 16th District first appeared on BlackPressUSA.



By Stacy M. Brown
NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent


Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) is fighting to retain his seat in New York’s 16th Congressional District in a high-stakes and fiercely contested primary. Bowman, known as the “Hip-Hop Congressman,” recently spoke with the Black Press of America’s “Let It Be Known” digital news show, highlighting the critical issues at the heart of his campaign and the unprecedented financial backing his opponent has received. The race between Bowman, a staunch progressive, and his centrist challenger, George Latimer, has been marked by significant outside spending and intense personal attacks. Supported by high-profile figures like Hillary Clinton, Latimer has received substantial financial support from AIPAC, which has poured over $14 million into the race. This has made the primary one of the most expensive House primaries in U.S. history, with total spending exceeding $23 million.

During the interview, Bowman expressed deep concern over the influence of big money in politics. “We cannot have a democracy if we allow big money to control our politics and to allow big money and billionaires to buy our elections,” Bowman stated. He accused right-wing billionaires and groups like AIPAC of trying to install a more conservative candidate who would serve their interests. “They are trying to strip the power of the people away through real propaganda that misrepresents my record.” The primary has emerged as a critical litmus test for the Democratic Party’s stance on Israel. Unlike other races focused on economic issues or support for President Biden, this contest has centered on the Middle East conflict. Following Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7, which resulted in nearly 1,000 Israeli civilian deaths, Israel’s military response has led to tens of thousands of Palestinian casualties. This has exacerbated the divide within the Democratic Party between staunchly pro-Israel members and those critical of the civilian toll in Gaza.

Bowman condemned the Hamas attacks as war crimes but also criticized Israel’s prolonged bombardment of Gaza. “We need a pathway to peace that doesn’t include the killing of babies, women, and children,” he said. He emphasized that most Americans support a permanent ceasefire, including the release of hostages, and criticized mainstream media for not adequately addressing these views. Latimer’s record as Westchester County Executive has been scrutinized, particularly his handling of a federal mandate to desegregate the county. Despite campaigning as an advocate for affordable housing, Latimer has woefully failed to meet the requirements of a 2009 consent decree, which ordered the county to build at least 750 affordable housing units and change restrictive zoning laws. Critics argue that Latimer’s administration made little progress, with only 723 units built and several municipalities maintaining exclusionary zoning practices.

Bowman highlighted Latimer’s history of inaction, stating, “He had fought against desegregation since the 90s when he was a county executive,” the congressman asserted. “Even though the federal government demanded that Westchester do more, he has slow-walked that call to action and won’t hold accountable the NIMBY community. Places like Scarsdale and Rye, where he lives, are the people who fund his campaign, and these are the people he works for.” Latimer’s reluctance to take legal action against municipalities resisting desegregation efforts and his dependence on campaign contributions from affluent, predominantly white communities have been significant points of contention. These issues have largely escaped notice in mainstream media coverage, which has focused more on the personal attacks and financial aspects of the race than the underlying policy failures and implications for racial equity.

Bowman’s grassroots campaign contrasts sharply with Latimer’s corporate-funded bid. “For us, it’s always been about grassroots,” Bowman said. “We are knocking on doors, making phone calls, and doing everything we can to connect with voters, so they don’t believe the propaganda that racist billionaires are pushing.” He also criticized the mainstream media’s role in perpetuating pay-to-play politics. “If mainstream media began to criticize pay-to-play politics, they wouldn’t have organizations like AIPAC running ads on their platforms,” Bowman argued. “It’s a plague of plantation politics, where working-class people, particularly of color, remain at the bottom.”

Bowman concluded with a strong message to voters: “We have to push back against the billionaires trying to buy our democracy. Vote for a representative who fights for the people, not the powerful.”

The post Rep. Jamaal Bowman Battles for Political Survival Amidst Contentious Primary in New York’s 16th District first appeared on BlackPressUSA.

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#NNPA BlackPress


NNPA NEWSWIRE — Founded on August 10, 1934, by local entrepreneur and legendary Civil Rights activist Cecil E. Newman, the MSR has chronicled local, state, national, and global history for generations and has long been revered as the “voice of Black Minnesota.”



This Twin Cities Cultural Treasure to turn 90 years old in August, and

will Commemorate the Occasion with Two First-Class Events

Minneapolis, MN – This August, the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder (MSR), the North Star State’s oldest African American newspaper, officially marks 90 years of impact in the Twin Cities and beyond. Founded on August 10, 1934, by local entrepreneur and legendary Civil Rights activist Cecil E. Newman, the MSR has chronicled local, state, national, and global history for generations and has long been revered as the “voice of Black Minnesota.”

“The history of the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder is synonymous with the history of African Americans in the State of Minnesota,” wrote the late Matthew Little, longtime President and Chairman of the Minneapolis NAACP, “Not only have they documented and archived the Black presence and mobility in the state, but over the years they have played a central advocacy role in African American progress.” Ahead of the festivities, shortly after July 15, the historic publication will be honored with a proclamation from the city of St. Paul, citing August 10, 2024, as Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder Day.

Legacy Yacht Cruise and 90th Anniversary Gala

On the weekend of August 16 and 17, 2024, the MSR will celebrate its extensive history and many accomplishments by hosting unforgettable evenings. The festivities kick off that Friday evening, August 16, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, with the MSR’s 90th Anniversary Legacy Yacht Cruise. Guests will sail down the St. Croix River on the historic Majestic Star, where they’ll experience live entertainment, an all-you-can-eat buffet, and four floors of activities, games, and prizes. For more information on the Legacy Yacht Cruise, including how to get your tickets, please visit Then, on Saturday night, August 17, at 6:00 pm, the scene will shift to downtown

Minneapolis for the MSR’s 90th Anniversary Gala. This elegant affair will take place along the Mississippi River at the iconic and newly renovated Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The Depot. Tables and tickets for the gala, including VIP options, are available now. MSR also offers a “Community Supporter Package.” For more details and how to  secure your seats for this one-of-a-kind event, visit our 90th Anniversary Gala webpage at A special group rate has also been reserved for those who would like to stay at the Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel for the gala, and that link can be accessed here

90 Years of Impact at the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder

The MSR’s influence has also spread well beyond the Twin Cities and the borders of the North Star State. Hubert H. Humphrey famously credited Newman with counseling him on the issue of Civil Rights, helping shape local policy throughout the former’s tenure as Mayor of Minneapolis and national policy during his time as Minnesota’s senior senator and the 38th Vice President of the United States. In addition to Newman, other journalistic icons who regularly contributed to and/or called the MSR home include Gordon Parks, Carl Rowan, and Nellie Dodson Russell.

“We are more than just a newspaper, “notes Tracey Williams-Dillard, Newman’s granddaughter and current CEO & Publisher, “Our legacy is rooted in the quest for justice, equity and human rights. The MSR has witnessed and captured the historical moments, trends, and events that have shaped the world over the last century. We’ve earned our rightful place as a trusted voice in media and the larger community through blood, sweat, and tears.”

In addition to the Legacy Yacht Cruise and the 90th Anniversary Gala, the MSR invites everyone to become part of its $90 for 90 Campaign, honoring nine decades of continuous publication. Those who contribute $90 in support of the MSR will have their names prominently displayed in the paper’s print editions through August 15, 2024. To learn how to participate, please go to

For more information on the MSR, its 90th Anniversary celebration, and to schedule an interview with MSR Publisher and CEO Tracey Williams-Dillard, please contact Tony Kiene via email at or by telephone at (651) 226-2513.

About the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder

The Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder (MSR) enjoys a living legacy as the oldest Black-owned newspaper in Minnesota and one of the longest-standing, family-owned newspapers in the nation. Civil Rights activist and Twin Cities businessman Cecil E. Newman founded the MSR in 1934 as two separate papers: the Minneapolis Spokesman and the St. Paul Recorder, which merged into a single publication in 2000. Today, under the leadership of Newman’s granddaughter Tracey Williams-Dillard, the MSR continues in its time-honored tradition as a trusted voice for the diverse Black communities of Minnesota, championing the perspectives and stories that might otherwise go unread.


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#NNPA BlackPress

CNN’s Shameful Spectacle: The First Presidential Debate of 2024

NNPA NEWSWIRE — CNN, which declined to provide Black-owned media with any of the more than eight hundred credentials it passed out, enabled a boatload of misinformation and flat-out lies to pass through their airwaves like bad wind.
The post CNN’s Shameful Spectacle: The First Presidential Debate of 2024 first appeared on BlackPressUSA.



By Stacy M. Brown
NNPA Senior National Correspondent

The first presidential debate of 2024 between President Joe Biden and criminally convicted former President Donald Trump was nothing short of a shameful display of unhinged and unchecked behavior. CNN, which declined to provide Black-owned media with any of the more than eight hundred credentials it passed out, enabled a boat load of misinformation and flat-out lies to pass through their airwaves like bad wind. “Absolutely disgraceful that the CNN moderators refuse to fact-check Trump on anything,” said human rights activist and attorney Qasim Rashid. “This is journalistic malpractice, and it is decimating our democracy.”

Writer and attorney Olayemi Olurin tweeted, “It is a failure on CNN not to fact-check Trump’s lies, but the thing is… if Joe Biden were performing the way he’s supposed to in a debate, his answers would be the fact check. So, three things are true: Trump is lying his [butt] off, the mediator isn’t doing their job, and neither is Biden.” Biden, whose campaign said he suffered from a cold during the debate, took some of his biggest shots at Trump after the former president refused to accept the results this fall regardless of who won. Trump said he would only accept the results “if it’s fair, legal, and good.”

“You’re a whiner,” Biden said. “When you lost the first time… you appealed and appealed to courts all across the country. Not one single court in America said any of your claims had any merit, state or local, none. But you continue to promote this lie about somehow, there’s all this misrepresentation, all this stealing. There’s no evidence of that at all. And I tell you what, I doubt whether you’ll accept it, because you’re such a whiner. The idea if you lose again, you accepting anything? You can’t stand the loss. Something snapped in you when you lost last time.” Without any rebuttal, Trump also incredulously asserted that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was primarily to blame for the violent uprising on January 6.

The moderators then cut to a commercial. And that was just a tiny part of CNN’s massive failure. Meanwhile, at the People for American Way reception and debate watch party at the Wharf in D.C., attendees sighed and expressed anger at their television sets as Trump told lie after lie. Despite having two anchors and a mute button, the host network failed to challenge him. “The debate turned into a 90-minute Trump rally,” said Alice Wilkes of Northeast. “I waited and waited for the moderators to say something, or, at least, cut him off,” Wilkes said. At Busboys & Poets on K Street in Northwest, where former lawmaker Nina Turner hosted a watch party, a packed house cheered as Biden called Trump “a sucker” and noted that he had “sex with a porn star” behind his wife’s back.

During the debate, Biden addressed questions about his age and stumbled when he tried to mock Trump’s fitness. “You can see he is 6-foot-5 and only 223 pounds or 235 pounds… well, anyway,” Biden said. Later, he agreed to Trump’s challenge of a golf match on one condition: “If you carry your own bag.” Several Black voters expressed disappointment in the way both candidates talked about Black people. “It’s like they forgot about Black people,” Byron Cooper of Southeast stated. “Trump commuted some sentences and pardoned some drug dealers. That’s supposedly what he did for the Black community,” Cooper remarked. “Unfortunately, to some Black people, that’s enough, which is ridiculous because the guy is a stark raving racist.”

During the debate, Trump revived attacks on Biden and Democrats over the 1994 crime bill that disproportionately harmed African Americans. Neither Biden nor CNN failed to mention Trump calling for the execution of five Black and Brown teenagers who were innocent of sexually assaulting a white woman in Central Park. Biden did mention how Trump has called skinheads and white nationalists “good people.”

In his two-minute closing argument, Trump personally attacked Biden’s record abroad. “They don’t respect you throughout the world,” he said. Trump claimed he had the largest tax cut and the largest regulation cuts in history, but the country is now “exploding.” “We’re a failing nation, but it’s not going to be failing anymore,” he said. We’re going to make it great again.” For his close, Biden noted, “We have made significant progress from the debacle President Trump left in his last term.”

Biden then summarized some of his signature policies. In terms of the economy, he vowed not to raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year and to continue his work to reduce health care and childcare costs and give families financial breathing room. “We’re going to continue to fight to bring down inflation and give people a break,” Biden said in closing.

The post CNN’s Shameful Spectacle: The First Presidential Debate of 2024 first appeared on BlackPressUSA.

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#NNPA BlackPress

Republican Adam Kinzinger Endorses Biden-Harris Ahead of First Presidential Debate

NNPA NEWSWIRE — Kinzinger, a self-described Republican moderate, served as an Illinois congressman from 2011 until last year. He gained prominence for his opposition to his party’s direction, particularly after the January 6 Capitol attack. “This is what putting your country before your party looks like,” Biden said.
The post Republican Adam Kinzinger Endorses Biden-Harris Ahead of First Presidential Debate first appeared on BlackPressUSA.



By Stacy M. Brown
NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger has announced his endorsement of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris just ahead of the first presidential debate in Atlanta. Kinzinger, a self-described Republican moderate, served as an Illinois congressman from 2011 until last year. He gained prominence for his opposition to his party’s direction, particularly after the January 6 Capitol attack. “This is what putting your country before your party looks like,” Biden said.

Kinzinger was one of only two Republicans, alongside former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, to serve on the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack. He was also among the ten House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in 2021, subsequently deciding not to seek reelection. In his recent book, “Renegade,” Kinzinger reflects on his political career, the challenges of working within a fractured political system, and his growing disillusionment with the Republican Party after Trump’s presidency and impeachment trials. Kinzinger, a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump, cited the “existential threat” Trump poses to American democracy as a critical reason for his endorsement. He referenced Trump’s role in the January 6 insurrection and praised President Biden’s steadfast commitment to protecting and strengthening democracy.

Kinzinger’s endorsement sets the stage for a stark contrast at tomorrow’s debate. Trump’s election denialism and support for political violence will be starkly juxtaposed against Biden’s unwavering advocacy for democracy, law, and order, a contrast that will be hard to miss. Conversely, Biden has fostered a sense of unity in his coalition, welcoming Republicans like Kinzinger. His campaign has invested millions in outreach efforts targeting Nikki Haley’s primary voters and organizing Republican outreach with resolute staff, demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity.

“I’m a proud conservative. I always have been. As a proud conservative, I’ve always put democracy and our Constitution above all else,” Kinzinger asserted. “And it’s because of my unwavering support for democracy, that today, as a proud conservative, I am endorsing Joe Biden for reelection.” The former congressman said his life has been guided by the conviction that America is a beacon of freedom, liberty, and democracy. “So, while I certainly don’t agree with President Biden on everything – and I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for president – I know that he will always protect the very thing that makes America the best country in the world: our democracy,” he insisted. “Donald Trump poses a direct threat to every fundamental American value. He does not care about our country. He does not care about you. He only cares about himself, and he will hurt anyone or anything in pursuit of power. We saw that when he tried to overturn an election, he knew he lost in 2020.

“He attacked the foundation of this nation, encouraging a violent mob of his supporters to march on the Capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power. Now, he has become even more dangerous. He’s called for the “termination” of the Constitution. He wants to be a dictator on day one, he actually said that. And he is continuing to stoke the flames of political violence. There is too much at stake to sit on the sidelines.”

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager, released a statement regarding Kinzinger’s endorsement:

“Our campaign is proud to earn the support of Congressman Kinzinger, a true public servant who is a model for putting our country and our democracy over party and blind concession to Trump. Congressman Kinzinger represents the countless Americans that Donald Trump’s Republican Party has left behind. Those Americans have a home in President Biden’s coalition, and our campaign knows we need to show up and earn their support.

“President Biden will always fight for American democracy, the rule of law, treating each other with decency, dignity, and respect, and working to find common ground—even when we disagree. Congressman Kinzinger’s endorsement does not just make our campaign stronger; it will better equip us to win the hearts and minds of voters committed to fighting for the future of our democracy and stopping Donald Trump.”

The post Republican Adam Kinzinger Endorses Biden-Harris Ahead of First Presidential Debate first appeared on BlackPressUSA.

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