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Alameda County Democratic Party Opposes the Recall of Mayor Sheng Thao

In a decisive vote last week, the Alameda County Democratic Party, the local arm of the Democratic Party, announced its Opposition to the recall effort against Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. The Mayor said, “I’m proud to have the Democratic Party stand in strong Opposition to the recall. What Oakland needs now is stability and continued progress in driving down crime and getting our streets clean. If the recall passes, it will create unimaginable instability for Oakland.”



Alameda County Democratic Party Chair Igor Tregub explained their club's recall position by saying, "Mayor Sheng Thao has consistently demonstrated her commitment to Oakland’s values, including economic justice, housing affordability, and public safety."
Alameda County Democratic Party Chair Igor Tregub explained their club's recall position by saying, "Mayor Sheng Thao has consistently demonstrated her commitment to Oakland’s values, including economic justice, housing affordability, and public safety.

In a decisive vote last week, the Alameda County Democratic Party, the local arm of the Democratic Party, announced its Opposition to the recall effort against Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao.

The Mayor said, “I’m proud to have the Democratic Party stand in strong Opposition to the recall. What Oakland needs now is stability and continued progress in driving down crime and getting our streets clean. If the recall passes, it will create unimaginable instability for Oakland. We could see four Oakland Mayors in the span of two years and possibly five Mayors within a span of three years. The recall will cost taxpayers upwards of $10 million, which is the same cost of having 35 officers on our streets. This recall is costly, risky, and is a transparent attempt, almost exclusively, by one millionaire hedge fund exec who lives in Piedmont to overturn a free and fair election.”

Alameda County Democratic Party Chair Igor Tregub explained their club’s recall position by saying, “Mayor Sheng Thao has consistently demonstrated her commitment to Oakland’s values, including economic justice, housing affordability, and public safety. The Alameda County Democratic Party is proud to stand with Mayor Thao and rejects this attempt to undermine her leadership.  For more information, contact:

Alameda County

Man Charged in Deadly Hit-and-Run Collision That Killed an Oakland Teenager and Injured Her Mother

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price announced that Agusto Matias has been charged with multiple felonies as the alleged driver in a deadly hit- and-run incident, killing a teenage girl and injuring her mother. Matias, 37, is charged with felony gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, D.U.I/alcohol causing injury, driving with a 0.8% blood alcohol causing injury, leaving the scene of an accident [death/permanent serious injury], and misdemeanor hit-and-run driving and unlicensed driver.



District Attorney Pamela Price.
District Attorney Pamela Price.

Special to The Post

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price announced that Agusto Matias has been charged with multiple felonies as the alleged driver in a deadly hit- and-run incident, killing a teenage girl and injuring her mother.

Matias, 37, is charged with felony gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, D.U.I/alcohol causing injury, driving with a 0.8% blood alcohol causing injury, leaving the scene of an accident [death/permanent serious injury], and misdemeanor hit-and-run driving and unlicensed driver.

According to the complaint, the incident happened on or about August 19. It is alleged that Matias was fleeing the scene of a bumper-to-bumper collision on Havenscourt near International Boulevard when he allegedly struck and killed one victim and injured a second victim.

Both victims were in the crosswalk when the collision occurred.

“It is with a heavy heart that I announce that my office has filed charges against an individual accused of extremely reckless driving that resulted in the tragic loss of a young life,” said District Attorney Pamela Price.

“I want to extend my condolences to the family. No parent should ever have to bury their child under such avoidable circumstances. Our thoughts are with them during this incredibly difficult time.

“This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers of impaired and reckless driving,” Price said. “It is a preventable crime that destroys lives, devastates families, and places all of our lives in danger unnecessarily. This type of unconscionable behavior will not be tolerated on our city streets.”

The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office (DAO) is one of California’s largest prosecutors’ offices and is led by Alameda County’s first Black woman District Attorney Pamela Y. Price. Price brings her vision to this office to fairly administer justice in the pursuit of thriving, healthy, and safe communities for every person who steps foot in Alameda County, no matter their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, income, or zip code.

 Price has been recognized as one of the most progressive prosecutors through her forward-thinking, innovative strategies to interrupt cycles of violence and crime and bring change to a criminal justice system rooted in systemic racism. Follow Madam DA on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and @AlamedaCountyda on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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Alameda County

D.A. Pamela Price Charges Two with Attempted Murder in Freeway Shooting on Interstate 880

DA Pamela Price has charged Elias Nathaniel Jimenez, 22, and co-defendant Maria Rosalia Martinez, 43, with multiple felonies for an alleged freeway shooting in the City of Hayward. Both defendants are charged with one count of attempted murder, assault with a semi-automatic firearm, an additional count of shooting at an occupied motor vehicle, and possession of a large capacity magazine, among other charges. In addition, Jimenez is charged with two special allegations: use of a firearm and use of a loaded unregistered firearm.



District Attorney Pamela Price
D.A. Pamela Price. File photo

Special to The Post

DA Pamela Price has charged Elias Nathaniel Jimenez, 22, and co-defendant Maria Rosalia Martinez, 43, with multiple felonies for an alleged freeway shooting in the City of Hayward.

Both defendants are charged with one count of attempted murder, assault with a semi-automatic firearm, an additional count of shooting at an occupied motor vehicle, and possession of a large capacity magazine, among other charges. In addition, Jimenez is charged with two special allegations: use of a firearm and use of a loaded unregistered firearm.

The criminal complaint alleges that on or about Aug. 6, Jimenez and Martinez shot into another vehicle that was occupied by an adult and an underage passenger traveling on Interstate 880.

“These allegations involve shooting from a moving vehicle at another car driving on the freeway, which is beyond dangerous,” said Price. “The charges, which include enhancements, reflect the seriousness of these alleged crimes and my commitment to hold those accountable who use guns in our community for such senseless and violent acts.”

If convicted and sentenced of all charges, Jimenez faces a maximum of 23 years and 9 months in state prison while Martinez faces a maximum of 13 years and 2 months in state prison. Both defendants are scheduled to appear for a bail hearing on August 27 in Department 112 at the Wiley Manuel Courthouse.

This story comes from The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office media office.

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A New Coalition Says: ‘Respect Our Vote – No Recalls!’

Opposing the recalls of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price and labeling the efforts as a new form of voter suppression, the coalition, “Respect Our Vote – No Recalls!” kicked off its organizing efforts last Saturday, Aug. 17, with a mass, public meeting, attended by over 100 people in East Oakland at At Thy Word Ministries Church, 8915 International Blvd. in East Oakland. 



Jess Inson, Rev. B.K. Woodson, Sr., Stewart Chen, and Mariano Contreras answer questions at the kickoff meeting of “Respect Our Vote – No Recalls!,” Saturday, Aug. 17, at At Thy Word Ministries Church, 8915 International Blvd. in East Oakland. Photo by Ken Epstein.

By Ken Epstein

A broad, diverse coalition has come together to mobilize local communities to vote against the recalls of two East Bay reform-minded leaders, who could potentially be thrown out of office in November after serving less than two years in office.

The recall effort is a result of multi-million-dollar campaigns that the coalition says are fueled by fearmongering with funding from a Piedmont financier and promoted by a public relations campaign in the corporate media.

Opposing the recalls of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price and labeling the efforts as a new form of voter suppression, the coalition, “Respect Our Vote – No Recalls!” kicked off its organizing efforts last Saturday, Aug. 17, with a mass, public meeting, attended by over 100 people in East Oakland at At Thy Word Ministries Church, 8915 International Blvd. in East Oakland.

Servant B.K. Woodson, Sr., pastor of the Bay Area Christian Connection in Oakland and chair of the coalition, links the surging national movement to reject the fearmongering and hateful agenda advocated by Donald Trump and the rightwing authoritarian proposals of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 to their own battle against the efforts to unseat progressive leaders in Oakland and Alameda County.

“This is a powerful moment, (and) across the nation you can feel it,” he said. “There’s joy, there’s hope, there’s expectation. We Oaklanders are at the center of the universe right now because the joy that’s bubbling up against the antipathy and the anger and the mindlessness, the battle for hope is being waged right here (against those) who profit by our poverty.”

“This is the inaugural event of ‘Respect Our Vote – No Recalls!’  because we want all people’s votes to be respected,” Pastor Woodson continued. “We are a diverse coalition, and we are open to more.”

The coalition already has the participation of the Wellstone and John George Democratic clubs, the Latino Task Force, and the Asian Americans for a Progressive Alameda, as well as active involvement of African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, whites, and others, he said.

“(Together), we want to expose what’s happening,” Woodson said. “The vehicle of recall (was intended to be) a people’s device against entrenched power (but) has been co-opted by billionaires,” who have funded these campaigns.

Those attending the meeting raised concerns about  Foundational Oakland Unites, a political action committee that received $605,000 from Piedmont financier Philip Dreyfuss, which contributed $480,000 to back the Sheng Thao recall.

Dreyfuss also contributed to recall Price. A political action committee, Supporters of Recall Pamela Price, which Dreyfuss helped create, received about $400,000 to  pay for signature-gathering, as well as a $200,000 loan.

Other speakers at the rally included Stewart Chen, president of the Oakland Chinatown Improvement Council; Carmen Peng of Asian Americans for Progressive Alameda;  Jess Inson, lead organizing fellow for Oakland Rising Action;  Chaney Turner, chair of the City of Oakland’s Cannabis Regulatory Commission;  and Mariano Contreras, member of the Latino Task Force and co-chair of the African American Latino Action Alliance.

Contreras said in past decades, voter suppression was mostly designed to keep African Americans, immigrants, and poor people from being able to vote.

“(But) now we’re seeing a new type of voter suppression, the denial of our vote after we cast it,” he said.

“The recall process was (originally) designed to ensure that elected officials would represent the interests of their constituents. But the recall process has been hijacked by shadowy, conservative money that finds defeated candidates (and others) who are willing to deny you and me our vote as we originally cast it,” he said.

“This is a new, dangerous voter suppression that exists right here in our city,” he said, adding that: “We are seeing the use of fear and misinformation to attract spokespeople to promote attacks and charges that are nothing more than smokescreens to roll back progressive alliances that have been built in our local government.”

Chen said that there has been a “false narrative” about rampant crime, which is a “bunch of baloney.”

There have long been problems with crime in Oakland, and the recalls against Price and Thao began shortly after they were elected and before they had a chance to do much, he said.  “Unequivocally, the people who lost wanted their candidates to win. These are sour grapes.”

“This is undemocratic. We have to stand together, unite together,” Chen said. “That’s why I’m here.”

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