At a time when Oakland is potentially facing a significant budget shortfall because of the pandemic and community demands to ‘defund’ the police, the cost of...
“This is my third year in the restaurant business,” said Leilani, but I’ve been cooking since I was a little girl. “My cooking career began at...
The 25x25 Pledge challenges companies to increase their diversity in leadership positions in their companies with a goal of filling 25% of leadership positions with hires...
As a primary care doctor at the Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center, I get a lot of questions about the vaccines. Many people are confused because...
Alethia Browning Tanner saved enough money to purchase her freedom in 1810. "The total amount, thought to have been paid in installments, was $1,400. In 1810,...
“I have witnessed a lot of innovation and change throughout my time with the agency, and I look forward to building on IEUA’s legacy as a...
“I would like for the tenants to come together more and not fear retaliation,” said Eddie Simmon, who has lived in Peralta Village for over 20...
“When I was sworn in last week, I pledged to the Oakland community that OPD would protect and serve, reduce crime and build trusting relationships in...
At a recent town hall meeting in Chinatown to discuss an alarming increase in crime against Asian American elders, Schaaf attempted to blame Council President Nikki...
This is a very special holiday,” Fife said, and challenged the crowd to work for change in the city. The bronze of Newton is being created...
Malcolm X and Black Panther Party Co-Founder Dr. Huey P. Newton would be proud. Oakland’s fourth annual Black Solidarity Week (BSW), which begins on Newton’s birthday,...
Many of the top salaries in the city were earned by police and fire department officers, swelled by significant overtime pay. But first, here are some...
“The first reason Black parents are reluctant to have their children return to school is health and safety. More Black children are likely to live in...
The insurrectos are very different from the insurrectionists you’ve been hearing about in the news recently. The rioters who attacked Capitol Hill on January 6, were...
The Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce (OAACC) and Post News Group joined with District 6 Councilmember Loren Taylor to host a town hall to discuss...
“I think it is a step in the right direction,” said David Peters, though he thinks the ordinance could be stronger. “I think we are...
The Coliseum site, operated in partnership between the state's Office of Emergency Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Department of Defense, is part...
Jay-Z, 51, told the Wall Street Journal: “It’s really unbelievable how that can happen. We were the ones most negatively affected by the war on drugs...
Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) announced he will host a virtual Conversation on Race town hall to discuss racial justice in America on Friday, February 19th at...
Featuring Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Webert, Alisyo Founder Kafi Blumenfield, CADEM Black Caucus Chair Taisha Brown, Assembymember Sydney Kamlager-Dove and more!
If you’re eligible and vaccine appointments are available through My Turn, you can schedule one.
GTCF was launched by the Emmy award-winning GIVE TV creators Gary Reeves and acclaimed actor Blair Underwood to continue the philanthropic mission of this innovative television...
“Serving on the Committee on the Revision of the Penal Code gave me the opportunity to engage with experts and advocates to identify common sense proposals...
“It seems only fair that we provide hazard pay as a way to appreciate and fairly compensate the workers who are allowing us to continue to...
“In the midst of this COVID pandemic, strong unions are more important than ever, to make sure that working people in the city and county have...