Beyond the Rhetoric: Global Warming is a Myth
By Harry C. Alford
NNPA Columnist
The concept of global warming and the environmental justice movement started to grow during the Nixon administration. President Nixon saw it as a diversion from the anti-Vietnam War movement and the pressures of the Civil Rights Movement. He was shrewd in taking a tiny bureau from the Department of Interior and making it a cabinet level agency – the Environmental Protection Agency. Thus, the “Green Movement” began.
By the time the Clinton administration came to Washington, D.C., claims of “environmental racism” were in full swing. When the Obama administration came, people were talking about “environmental justice” on equal footing with the Civil Rights Movement. Currently, the Sierra Club (environmental advocate group) mixes the Civil Rights Movement with the Global Warming Movement as if they are the same thing. It is an outrageous lie.
One of the biggest claims of the environmentalists is that air pollution known as Ozone causes asthma. Asthma is a sickness that can lead to death. Let’s look at the definition, prevention and risk factors of this illness known as asthma. According to the prestigious Mayo Clinic, “Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance. For others, it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. Asthma can’t be cured, but the symptoms can be controlled.”
Regarding prevention, Mayo states: “While there’s no way to prevent asthma, by working together, you and your doctor can design a step-by-step plan for living with your condition and preventing asthma attacks. Identify and avoid asthma triggers. A number of outdoor allergens and irritants – ranging from pollen and mold to cold air and air pollution – can trigger asthma attacks. Find out what causes or worsens your asthma, and take steps to avoid those triggers.”
And on risk factors: “A number of factors are thought to increase your chances of developing asthma. These include blood relatives (parent or sibling); having a similar illness such as hay fever; being overweight; being a smoker; exposure to second hand smoke; having a mother who smoked while pregnant; exposure to exhaust fumes; occupational triggers such as chemicals used in farming, hairdressing and manufacturing.”
From the above we note that asthma cannot be cured and they don’t know what causes it. Yet, environmentalists are claiming that global warming is the culprit.
The claim that asthma is caused by global warming and air pollution is bunk! Our air Ozone levels have been decreasing on a yearly basis. Consistently, our Ozone levels are reducing at a very impressive rate. Yet, asthma levels are doing the reverse. They are increasing. It becomes quite obvious that dirty air and Ozone are not factors causing asthma. It is something else and our medical industry can’t seem to figure it out. But one thing is certain: There is no correlation between asthma and our climate and our climate continues to improve because of improved technology and discipline.
Despite the improving environment, the environmentalists continue their campaigns to hurt our industries and reduce our economic prowess. They are stopping millions of potential jobs and thousands of new businesses starting up and contributing to the economic growth of our great nation. This is more than the story of “Chicken Little,” this is a direct attempt to cripple America. They feel that we are too big and too strong. Shame on us for achieving and maintaining greatness.
They want to reduce our “carbon footprint,” which means a lesser economy, fewer jobs, a smaller military to defend ourselves and protect the peace in the world. They believe that America as the number one nation in the world is selfish and we should surrender our status. Environmentalism is a tool to defeat us and, my people, I and my ilk will fight with every breath we take to stop this assault.
They want to slow us down and make us vulnerable to the bad guys. The bad guys who actually really pollute with a vengeance that is far greater than what we do. China, India, Russia, etc. are the biggest polluters in the world and don’t care about it. Meanwhile, the environmentalists are attacking us – the ones who use improved technology to better serve our land, water and air.
Secretary of State John Kerry has even admonished our African nations about building their infrastructures. He says they “must lessen their carbon footprint.” Secretary Kerry please send that logic straight to hell. Africa’s day of development has arrived. Their quality of life and economic status are going to improve greatly and without providing any damage to our environment. The United States has a vested interest in this as new friends – stronger and better is what we need.
Build on America and pay no attention to the phony environmentalists.
Harry C. Alford is the co-founder, President and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce®. Website: www.nationalbcc.org Email: halford@nationalbcc.org.
Actor, Philanthropist Blair Underwood Visits Bay Area, Kicks Off Literacy Program in ‘New Oakland’ Initiative
These community activations were coordinated with the San Francisco-based non-profit program “Room to Read.” Ray said he is also donating his time to read and take pictures with students to encourage their engagement and to inspire them to read more. The inspirational book “Clifford Ray Saves the Day” highlights Clifford Ray’s true story of saving a dolphin.

By Paul Cobb
New Oakland Series
Opinion Part 3
The Post mentioned three weeks ago that a number of our local luminaries were coming together to support the “New Oakland” movement. As this current national administration continues to eliminate our “legacy” institutional policies and programs left and right, most communities find themselves beyond “frozen” in fear.
Well, esteemed actor, long-time Bay Area supporter, and philanthropist Blair Underwood returned to Oakland this week to speak with city leaders, community trust agents, students, the Oakland Post, and local celebrities alike to continue his “New Oakland” initiative.
This week, he kicked off his “Guess Who’s Coming to Read” literacy program in some of Oakland’s middle schools. Clifford Ray, who played the center position of the 1975 World Champion Golden State Warriors, donated close to 1,000 books. Ray’s fellow teammate Charles “The Hopper” Dudley also gave Converse sneakers to students.
These community activations were coordinated with the San Francisco-based non-profit program “Room to Read.” Ray said he is also donating his time to read and take pictures with students to encourage their engagement and to inspire them to read more. The inspirational book “Clifford Ray Saves the Day” highlights Clifford Ray’s true story of saving a dolphin.
Underwood also spent quality time with the Oakland Ballers ownership group and visited the amazing Raimondi Park West Oakland community revitalization site. In the 1996 TV film Soul of the Game, Underwood played the role of the legendary first Black Major League Baseball player Jackie Robinson and commended the Ballers owners.
“This group of sports enthusiasts/ philanthropists needs to be applauded for their human capital investment and their financial capital investment,” Underwood said. “Truly putting their money and passion to work,” Underwood said.
Underwood was also inspired by mayoral candidate Barbara Lee’s open-minded invitation to bring public-private partnership opportunities to Oakland.
Underwood said he wants to “reinforce the importance of ‘collaborative activism’ among those most marginalized by non-empathic leadership. We must ‘act out’ our discomfort with passionate intentions to create healthy change.”
Councilmembers Ramachandran, Kaplan, Unger Identify Funds to Save Oakland Fire Stations
Our budget crisis – one of the worst in Oakland’s history – is compounded by the fact that people do not feel safe coming to Oakland due to our public safety crisis. By investing in our fundamental public safety resources today, we can send a signal to the world that Oakland is open for business. We have such a rich and vibrant culture, arts, and food scene that is worth celebrating – but we can only showcase this if we are able to keep our neighborhoods safe. Having fully functioning fire stations are absolutely essential to these efforts.

By Janani Ramachandran
There is no greater concern to the people of Oakland today than public safety. Fire stations are the bread and butter of essential city services – and every day that we have stations shuttered, we imperil the lives of our community members. In response to widespread outcry over the current and planned closure of stations, myself, along with Councilmembers Kaplan and Unger, have painstakingly worked to identify millions of dollars of new funding to save our stations. The legislation we introduced on Thursday, February 13th, will amend our budget to prevent the closure of four fire stations that are currently on the chopping block due to our budget crisis and will re-open two closed stations that have already been closed – Station 25 and 28 – in the near future. The resolution that will provide the funding to keep our stations open will go before the full City Council for a vote at our meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 3:30 PM – and we invite you to join us at City Hall to share your perspective on the topic.
Our budget crisis – one of the worst in Oakland’s history – is compounded by the fact that people do not feel safe coming to Oakland due to our public safety crisis. By investing in our fundamental public safety resources today, we can send a signal to the world that Oakland is open for business. We have such a rich and vibrant culture, arts, and food scene that is worth celebrating – but we can only showcase this if we are able to keep our neighborhoods safe. Having fully functioning fire stations are absolutely essential to these efforts.
With the devastating Los Angeles fire at the top of people’s minds, terrible memories of Oakland’s own wildfires are re-surfacing from the 1991 Oakland Hills Firestorm to the Keller fire just a few months ago – and how essential fire stations are to mitigating these catastrophes. But in Oakland, our fire stations don’t just fight wildfires – they also provide emergency medical services to our most vulnerable constituents, put out structural fires and encampment fires, and much more.
We recognize that there are a number of competing interests and important initiatives fighting for sparse City resources. But from my perspective, core safety services are the most pivotal functions that a City must spend its resources on – especially given the outcry we have heard around fire stations.
The fight to save our stations is not over. The resolution we introduced is a critical first step, and there are hurdles to overcome. If you support keeping our fire stations open, we invite you to be a part of the solution by making your voice heard at the March 4th City Council meeting at 3:30 pm.
NNPA Launches National Public Education and Selective Buying Campaign
“We are the trusted voice of Black America, and we will not be silent or nonresponsive to the rapid rise of renewed Jim Crow racist policies in corporate America,” stated NNPA Chairman Bobby R. Henry Sr. “The Black Press of America continues to remain on the frontline keeping our families and communities informed and engaged on all the issues that impact our quality of life.”

Washington, DC: The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), representing the Black Press of America, has announced the planning and implementation of a national public education and selective buying campaign across the nation in direct response to those corporate entities that have dismantled their respective Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) commitments, programs and staffing. NNPA Chairman Emeritus Danny Bakewell Sr. explained, “Now is the time for the Black Press of America once again to emphatically speak and publish truth to power.”
“We are the trusted voice of Black America, and we will not be silent or nonresponsive to the rapid rise of renewed Jim Crow racist policies in corporate America,” stated NNPA Chairman Bobby R. Henry Sr. “The Black Press of America continues to remain on the frontline keeping our families and communities informed and engaged on all the issues that impact our quality of life.”
At a recent convening of NNPA member publishers and editors, a united resolve was reached that each member publication of the NNPA will begin a national public education campaign coupled with the release of research data on those American companies that are engaging in efforts to sanction racial injustice, inequitable polices, divisive leadership, and economic apartheid in America.
“We note forthrightly that Black Americans spend $2 trillion dollars annually as consumers of products and services throughout the United States,” NNPA President and CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. emphasized. “We now must evaluate and realign to question why we continue to spend our money with companies that do not respect us,” Chavis continued. “This now must come to an end. These contradictions will not go unchallenged by 50 million Black Americans who have struggled for centuries to ensure equality, fairness and inclusion in our nation’s democracy.”
A selective buying campaign involves exercising the right to select what we spend our money on and who we spend our money with. We are starting with targeting TARGET.
The following are some of the major American companies that have publicly retreated from Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
- Lowe’s
- John Deer
- Walmart
- Meta
- Tractor Supply
- Amazon
- McDonald’s
- Ford
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