Ayodele Nzinga’s drama, “Mama at Twilight: Death by Love,” is a haunting look at a family crippled by circumstances. How does a man prepare...
The Philly Cheeze Melt is one of the most decadent vegan sandwiches in town. The line to the Veg Hub was out the door...
Oakland’s native son, Ise Lyfe, has seemingly done it all. From HBO Def Poetry Jam and Huffington Post Contributor to Ted Talk and guest lecturer...
By Terri Schlichenmeyer, The Bookworm Sez If you can’t say something nice… Sometimes, it’s hard to say nothing at all. There are times when...
As the Bay Area prepares to celebrate another national holiday honoring the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Post News...
The following is a list of upcoming events honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. next week across the Bay Area. (* after the event name indicates...
Nimely Napla’s “The Forbidden Bush” addresses the little known deforestation devastating most of West Africa in a production presented by Diamano Coura West African Dance Company.The...
It was perhaps an odd thing for a church girl to do, but New Birth Oakland member Omie Garba felt God had put it on her...
Vocalist Faye Carol will start a four-week residency Sunday, January 8 at Berkeley’s new music venue, the Back Room. Accompanied by Joe Warner on...
CES 2017 Las Vegas is the continuation of the expansion of the word “tech”. First, it was HeathTech, or tech devices for healthcare....
There are few media outlets that exist purely to support and raise the voices of the homeless community. “Street Spirit,” a newspaper serving the Bay...
President Barack Obama presented awards last Thursday at the White House to two-dozen recipients of the National Medal of Arts and the National Humanities Medal, including...
Three days before the opening of the first African-American Museum of History in Washington, D.C., a dedicated group of academics, students, friends and family gathered the...
The tags still dangled from the berets and sunglasses that Dimensions Dance Theater members wore Wednesday night as they rehearsed for the “Black Panther Project,” an...
Opening last weekend on the National Mall in Wash., D.C., the African American Museum of History and Culture depicts the experience of Black people in the...
Emory Douglas and the Oakland Maroons Art Collective (OMAC) are presenting “The Point Is…2.0,” a group exhibit honoring the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party...
By Wanda Ravernell Oakland showed its love for a young local musician who sets up his trap drums on a patch of grass near Grand...
Buddy Montgomery Jazz Legacy Awards and Concert, featuring award winners Marlena Shaw, Jeff Chambers and John Santos, Saturday, Sept. 10, 7:30 p.m. at the Hillside...
Officials and community members from around San Francisco were on hand at Third and Oakdale streets, to celebrate the ribbon cutting of the Bay View Opera...
By Mary Kenny, SFSU News A bequest from retired television writer and producer Toni Weingarten will provide scholarships for first-generation, educationally and economically disadvantaged students...
When 18-year-old Azariah Cole-Shephard speaks, people listen. That’s because Oakland’s newly awarded 2016 Youth Poet Laureate doesn’t just have something to say – she has...
Cal State East Bay graduate student Ashley Walker believes music education is vital to all students, and thanks to a recent scholarship from the California...
Facing down the threats of gentrification, three Black producers are keeping African and African American heritage alive in Oakland. On Aug. 20, Effie Tesfahun is...
By Olga R. Rodriguez, AP San Francisco is getting another cultural treasure — a world-class museum to showcase the largest collection of Mexican and Latino...
Professor Samuel Bennett, lead organist and church musician at Bethel AME Church, was honored last Sunday with a proclamation from San Francisco City Hall for his...