Regions in the southern, northern, and central part of the state (where many Black farmers reside) should be involved in the process, said Grills. The “listening...
Post publisher Paul Cobb said the newspaper has been discussing the different sides of this issue and hopes to help clear up the confusing messages the public...
The struggle to open the site began in the summer of 2019 when Oakland’s Mayor Libby Schaaf announced plans for the city to sanction the opening of a...
CHDC provides a broad range of affordable housing opportunities and engages communities we serve to ensure that the whole neighborhood benefits from the housing and services...
The free, virtual event will begin with an invocation by Berkeley Poet Laureate Rafael Jesús González and will feature 18 BIPOC writers and poets in lively...
The artworks, created by the Grammy-nominated visual artist Serge Gay Jr, were commissioned to encourage people to continue to take safety precautions against COVID-19 even though...
Please join us on Thursday, July 22, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. when the FAITHS Program “A Model Built on Faith” (AMBOF) will hold...
Virtual Town Hall - July 14th at 6 p.m.
“As Oakland continues to navigate through the challenges brought about by a global pandemic, along with the simultaneous outcry for social and economic justice, particularly for...
Black and Brown Community at Greater Risk as COVID-19 Variant Spreads
Jassal has been a committed volunteer in Oakland, preparing and serving food for the hungry with Post co-publisher Gay Plair Cobb at First Presbyterian Church and...
Councilmembers Send Letter to Mayor and Police Chief Urging Correction of Inaccurate, Fear-Inciting Rhetoric
They have brought together thousands of African-American and Latino residents of Oakland and San Francisco to fight for housing and immigrant rights.
One property was leased for $3,000 a month, the other for $4,000 a month
Assembly District 18 includes most of Oakland, San Leandro and Alameda. About 65% of voters there are Democrat, according to the Public Policy Institute of California....
In her resignation letter, Carter recounted incidents during her onboarding and work as president-elect when NAWBO showed reluctance to support Black women business owners.
For the second year in a row, the organization could not hold Vallejo’s Annual Juneteenth Celebration due to COVID-19. AAFRC President Gwendolyn White says launching the...
Bao House’s second grand opening will be July 9 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Orders can be placed here:
The Black RJ movement has a policy agenda that will hold law enforcement, politicians, corporations, voters and all people living in the U.S. to account. It...
There is no reason whatsoever that our cities should be lacking so much when the system is supposed to help, not hinder progress. R.O.C.S is necessary...
BART plans to leverage its existing partnerships with telecommunications companies like Verizon and AT&T to enhance wireless service throughout the system as well as in other...
Norge has survived the pandemic and needs community help. Please drop by, share and contribute at
Willis, along with other Local 10 union officials, acknowledged Davis work as a professor and activist in the 1970s and 1980s and for standing up for...
This play grapples with social justice issues and current events. Featured singers and performers will include the appearance of Rafiki the baboon as yoga instructor and...
“Ours is an important mission in the development for youth. Kids are learning skills and becoming better members of their community. And our partnering with spikeview...