“This is a heartbreaking situation that requires a long-term solution as well as urgent action to reunite families,” said Lee, who added that children arriving at...
On behalf of the City of San Leandro, I strongly condemn the recent attacks on Asian Americans in our city and all across the nation. Diversity...
The protest began in the San Francisco’s Castro District at 17th and Castro streets, where LGBTQ leaders spoke out against the racist attacks. Mayor Breed said, We’re...
As chair of the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee, I’m proud to report that the state Legislature, with assistance from the federal government, has now...
Fourteen California Black Democratic elected officials serving at the federal, state, county and city government levels joined hands in a virtual show of support for Gov....
“There is not one Black family in OUSD that hasn’t experienced the pain of anti-Black racism in our schools,” reads a statement on reparationsforblackstudents.org, a website run...
“This is a fight for California’s future,” Newsom said. “With more compassion, empathy, and connection, we can write the next chapter in the California story.”
Currently the Federal Government is assisting small businesses with PPP grants and Johnson wants to make sure business owners don’t miss a prime opportunity to keep...
Standing together as crime rises in Oakland, the five Oakland multicultural Chambers of Commerce, representing thousands of local and small businesses across our great city, stand...
Our organizations denounce violence against members of Asian American communities in San Francisco, Oakland and the greater Bay Area. We stand in solidarity with victims, survivors...
Pastor Phyllis Scott, founder and senior pastor of Tree of Life Empowerment Ministries church, has been elected to become the first woman pastor to hold the...
“I am very appreciative of the community efforts and leadership of Oakland City Council President Nikki Fortunato-Bas, Councilmember Carrol Fife and the Black Housing Union promoting...
This is a very special holiday,” Fife said, and challenged the crowd to work for change in the city. The bronze of Newton is being created...
“I think it is a step in the right direction,” said David Peters, though he thinks the ordinance could be stronger. “I think we are...
The Coliseum site, operated in partnership between the state's Office of Emergency Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Department of Defense, is part...
Featured Speaker: Susan Burton
"They posted signs saying everyone had to get off the property"
Last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law that requires publicly traded corporations who have their headquarters in California to appoint directors from “underrepresented communities” to...
More than 150,000 Bay Area tenant households are at the highest risk of eviction and possibly face homelessness due to income loss and the economic downturn...
The Shoreline Leadership Academy via the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOEIP) is poised to receive up to $180,000 from the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority....
It is obvious in this day and time that anyone with a phone can make a video. But, it’s not so easy to parlay that ability...
Brian Colbert, the vice mayor of San Anselmo, is seeking re-election to Town Council for 2020. Colbert previously served on the Town Council in 2017. Colbert...
Richmond Mayor Tom Butt is joining community and government leaders including staff from the city, RYSE Center, EdFUND West, Richmond Promise, Building Blocks for Kids (BBK),...
After being denied amenities and suffering from financial loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 60 tenants who live in Fourth Street East, a luxury...
The East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors is searching for a new name for the Park District’s 2,540 acre Concord Hills Regional Park that...