Violinist Angango Yarbo-Davenport, violinist, launches Four Seasons Arts Season on Saturday, October 8, at 3:00, with a program entitled: “Around the World in 70 Minutes.” She...
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and...
As a scientist, it is said that Ernest Everett Just (1883–1941) “saw the whole, where others saw only parts. He noticed details others failed to see”...
Never have we seen in U.S. history the figurehead of the world’s greatest democracy subject to a search warrant. And it’s all official and legit. One...
“What they replaced (the American Rescue Plan Act 2021) with is Section 22006 that now states that any farmer can apply to see if they are...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — We hear a lot about the growing gulf between the two major parties in America. But there’s a difference between politicians and voters....
Inmates who participated in one of the 44 California Conservation Camps received the same training from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection or CAL-FIRE...
A Brookings Institute study in 2018 took a long view on student borrowing going back to 1995-96. It found that for-profit borrowers default at twice the...
In 2020, the liberal leaning City of Burbank banned five well-known titles: “Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain, “The Cay” by Theodore Taylor, “Roll of Thunder, Hear...
“This festival brings our mission to life,” says Ravernell. “We want to highlight and preserve the cultural and spiritual traditions of African Americans and demonstrate how...
The national kickoff for the not-for-profit organization Black Doc Village began with a breakfast at the Pasadena Hilton hosted by two Black Doc Village cofounders: nephrologist...
We cannot begin to heal our divisions until we acknowledge and teach our whole history — good and bad. And we know that standing up for...
Since the State took over the district in 2003, more than 30 schools have been closed, debts have soared and the ranks of high-paid outside consultants...
Knowing the social, environmental, and economic impact of illegal dumping, I’ve led regular clean-ups and successfully budgeted additional resources for more city environmental enforcement officers to...
We expect you to use your campaign funds to introduce yourselves and educate the voters about your views and history of experiences and service. We also...
Probate Advocates and the Post “Perils of Probate” stories have for years recognized that the minority population is disproportionately targeted by court insiders. The Black female...
“That star on the Walk of Fame is symbolic of so much,” said sports media personality Justin Tinsley. “Nipsey is one of those people who will...
“This initiative is such a benefit to our parents and youth to learn about the influence and risk of substance use and to have open dialog...
Earthquake is not a California peril, but the name of one of Dave Chappelle’s favorite comic mentors. Earthquake or Mr. Quake, as the New York Times...
We’ve all heard about the restrictive voter suppression laws that far-right state legislatures are passing. We’ve heard about the crackdowns on voting hours and mail-in voting,...
Rev. Ken Lackey has asked the Post News Group to become his media partner to help recruit volunteers and to reach out to more than 400...
With an almost all-Black cast and crew, “Bottled Spirits” tells the story of 50-something Louise, a native of West Oakland, a community once known as the...
If the workers do secure a union, it won’t be the first time Alcatraz ferry workers have been unionized. The companies that had operated the ferry...
When Southern migrants came to California during the World War II era, they transported their music with them. Music served as a reminder of home; it...
As we listen to Oaklanders, our team is crafting a compassion-led, comprehensive approach that reimagines public safety and bolsters the mental health, social, and economic opportunities...