Hours after the city celebrated “National Night Out” – an annual national movement against crime – a double homicide early Wednesday morning claimed the lives of...
For the past five years, the Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church has sponsored a citywide health Fair. This year the church jointed with other organizations to host...
The Oakland Public Library has selected 17-year-old Obasi Davis as the new Youth Poet Laureate for the City of Oakland. Davis emerged as the best of...
Homeowners and local officials in Richmond are considering a radical idea to keep people facing foreclosure in their homes. Eminent Domain, traditionally used by cities and...
There is a well known African proverb – when elephants fight, the grass gets trampled – that seems to sum up the experience of Bill Aboudi’s...
The Revival Center Ministries, based in Vallejo, has started a new Sunday afternoon worship service in Marin City. The services, which began on Sunday, July 28,...
By Sierra Club Yodeler How many huge, bright LED-illuminated electronic billboards does Oakland need (see February Yodeler, page 8)? Currently, three billboards stand close to the...
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors this week passed a resolution in support of Marcus Books, the oldest Black-owned and Black-themed bookstore in the country. The...
Underground Treasures has won the 2013 Best of Oakland Award in the Women’s Clothing Stores category by the Oakland Award Program. Underground Treasure offers one-of-a kind...
Written by: Eric K. Arnold, Oakland Local One of the major criticisms applied to rap music these days is that the genre has become too corporate...
When her counselor first told her about Berkeley Youth Alternatives, a non-profit organization that supports underserved youth, Tamisha Bradley wasn’t interested. Having lived in three different...
By Lee Hubbard The grand marshals at this year’s Pride parade will be a couple, Perry Lang and Ken Monteiro, the first African Americans to be...