Ideally, voting rights should be a nonpartisan issue. Congress repeatedly passed extensions of the Voting Rights Act that were signed by Republican presidents. But right-wing politicians...
Over time, if our kids are not able to relax and de-stress, their bodies may also react with headaches, stomach aches, rapid heart rates, and an...
Masking works. You can see it working. Vaccines work too, but we’re on the honor system for that. And people lie or show a fake vax...
When Newsom became lieutenant governor (2011-2019), that tenure allowed him to acquire on-the-job-training, which, in today’s electoral climate seems to be a forgotten asset.
City Administration must implement Civilian Crisis Responders Program and keep planned community advisory board
Special enrollment is underway and lasts through December 31. Any eligible Californian can sign up without needing to have a qualifying life event – for example,...
All 3 teams leaving?
In 2022, the voters of Oakland will have an opportunity to elect the next mayor for our city. The Mayor of Oakland is the head of...
Since Oakland's many problems can be either solved, altered, eradicated or exacerbated by actions and/or inactions from the Mayor's Office, it is incumbent upon us to make...
Does crime pay? Maybe if you’re white.
On the last day of our last war. The last soldier was out. And we leave with a lousy tweet.
I was proud to work hard for the election of President Joe Biden. And I was proud to protest outside the Biden White House on Aug....
Racial diversity among Bay Area elected officials increased during the 2020 election cycle, but new data shows wide disparities still exist across the region.
All ye news consumers are probably thinking more about Afghanistan in these last two weeks than at any point in the last 20 years.
Millions of California students, teachers, administrators are returning to school this week.
Rep. John Lewis, the civil rights icon who died last year, liked to tell activists that building a better world depended on people being willing to...
Why hasn’t OUDSD School Board President Shanthi Gonzales called a special meeting this week to discuss reopening? Why is staff unilaterally creating enrollment policies?
I am a Baby Boomer, born in 1957, who grew up in a very binary world. Everything from party affiliation to music preference was simplified down...
Complain about the media representation of Oakland all you want. Last week, in the national media, Oakland was portrayed as a great place to live, work,...
The A’s are seeking to develop 55 acres at the Port of Oakland. The proposal includes a 35,000-seat baseball stadium, which would cost $1 billion, or...
There’s been a lot of news about the Democratic legislators in Texas who fled the state to prevent Republicans from pushing through sweeping new voter suppression laws. Gov. Greg Abbott has threatened to have them arrested to force them...
This wave of violence is very brutal but not new. And unless there is a miracle from our most high God, this violence won’t be eliminated.
Here’s why dozens of Texas lawmakers are in Washington, D.C. this week.
I’m contemplating this because frankly, “outer space” as metaphor makes me wonder. If you’re a person of color, we’ve been there before.