What’s needed for Black children is a comprehensive and systematic approach like the state’s roadmap for English learners, which states that “English learners are the shared...
We come together today to be reminded of a common condition that we all have, that our children deserve a public education. Our children deserve an...
We are part of a university that led the Free Speech Movement, a university that didn’t back down from a fight for justice, a university that,...
This time, the plaintiffs were smart. They recruited disgruntled recently immigrated Asian Americans who had been rejected from Harvard and organized them as white proxies. With...
It is especially important for those who are fully vaccinated to get their booster. This includes those 16 and up who received the Pfizer vaccine at...
There’s something profoundly important about Abrams demonstrating leadership at this moment. Abrams has always been guided by a fundamental faith that people can make the system work. That faith has been...
Stop this madness now! Tell the A’s to pay their fair share or get out of town! Give them no public money for a ballpark. None!...
Prolific Professor Robert Farris Thompson truly embodied the term ‘Maestro de Maestros.’ He was an absolute giant in the field of Afro-Atlantic history and art, respected...
The increase in Black representation in the news media was discussed when the topic turned to controversy surrounding Rachel Nichols, an NBA sportscaster on ESPN. In...
We all are contributors to the greater being, through exercising our God-like characteristics. God doesn’t create the issues — God shows up with the solution to...
Recent reports also show that Black candidates are faring especially well in Senate fundraising in the 2022 cycle. While summary numbers might mask persistent hurdles, these...
These depressing findings were recorded in a poll conducted by the Jobs and Housing Coalition (JHC) between October 16 and 18. They mark an all-time high...
Festival seating is when the entire venue becomes a mosh pit. It’s a concert where there are no assigned seats, making it a Darwinian every-person-for-himself, go-at-your-own-risk...
For France, which colonized Algeria for more than a century, the idea that people from the former colonies should live the life they want seems unbearable....
So far, Glasgow has heard a lot of talk. President Biden and other world leaders touted two ‘major’ agreements earlier this week. One commits to ending...
In my role as a driver for the Charlotte Maxwell Clinic, I feel patients are super excited to have someone who is compassionate and empathetic. Sometimes...
The Freedom to Vote Act would reverse many of the new anti-voter laws. It would expand access to voting by mail and early voting, make voter...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — All indications show that Jennifer Abruzzo, the President’s new general counsel, is helping to lead the charge and losing no time. She has...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — When we trust in ourselves, it’s easy to make bad decisions and even do things that go against God and what’s best for...
Right-wing media outlets and social media spread false information and conspiracy theories. Conservative activists and politicians opposed public health measures as a form of “tyranny.”
Witness North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. He abuses his position of authority to insult and demean people. But when he gets criticized for making harmful comments, he whines that...
The show focused on the Vincent Chin case, the famous Asian American hate crime that took place in Detroit in 1982.
UC Berkeley Grad Continues to Bring International Economic Empowerment for Women
By restoring the Prompt Payment Ordinance, local organizations working for Oaklanders will be compensated in a timely manner and can do more work for Oakland as...
We always knew that we would have to fight for good pay and benefits.