With the government still partially shut down, partisan politics is generating more heat President Donald Trump, in his unique blustery style, believes he can slander the...
Since the striking victories of Democrats up and down the ballot in 2018, President Donald Trump has been flailing more and more wildly. He’s setting new...
Recently I sat down to update my resume. See if you can guess my job: Promoted and ran online fundraising campaign securing $2,500.00 for equipment from...
Mr. Leonard Powell is going to Alameda County Superior Court on Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019, to fight to keep the home where he and his family...
When new U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was asked on “60 Minutes” whether she thinks President Donald Trump is a racist, she responded with the candor that...
Gentrification of Oakland leaves many of us with empty pockets and anxiety about a rent increase, but have we ever thought about gentrification affecting more than...
Last Thursday, we marked a new era when we swore in the most diverse Congress in U.S. history. With a record number of women and members...
At the Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center, we use the final week of every year to take an in-depth look at the life and legacy...
Our nation must fulfill the hopes unleashed by the Emancipation Proclamation “Then Moses said to the people, ‘Commemorate this day, the day you came out of...
The Oakland school district is considering closing 24 more public schools. Oakland has already closed 15 schools, even though the city population is growing. An extensive...
Thank you again for electing me to the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) Board of Educa¬tion in 2016. I am now at the halfway...
“Yes, if we don’t get what we want, one way or the other … I will shut down the government,” said President Trump to Senate Minority...
The Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) school board has released the first draft of a proposal it calls the “Citywide Plan,” which would reduce the number...
“The legal system needs to protect the interests of this Black family facing unwarranted debt.” The City of Berkeley is campaigning right now to drive Leonard...
California, the state with the highest rents and most evictions, is the battleground for rent control this mid-term election. The real estate industry and landlord organizations...
In District 6, doing the same thing we have been doing for the last several years will not give us different results. We need new representation...
A lot is at stake for District 6 voters in this election. We have serious issues around affordable housing, gentrification, displacement, illegal dumping, blight, and economic...
Doutherd’s opponent, Gary Yee, supported “top heavy administration” and closed the 25,000-student Oakland Adult Education program Clarissa Doutherd, who is running for the District 4 School...
In a recent news article, the secretary-treasurer of the local Building Trades Council asserted that racism is no longer a problem within the construction unions. He...
“Systemic cruelty” – That’s how United Nations Special Rapporteur Leilani Farha described Oakland’s housing crisis. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can keep families...
The following op-ed was written by members of the Homeless Advocacy Working Group, James Vann and John Kirkmire, who criticize Mayor Libby’s plan to build install...
Councilwoman Desley Brooks has refused to take a position on whether or not the city should adopt a policy which is called a “Project Labor Agreement”...
By Eric Arnold The Mercury News (August 12, 2018) reports that as a candidate Libby Schaaf promised that 28 percent of the housing built in Oakland...
“The level of indifference (Mayor Schaaf) has shown to (homelessness) has been, until very recently, stunning,” says Pamela Drake in her blog. By Pamela Drake It’s...
(l to r) Mayoral candidates Libby Schaaf, Nancy Sidebotham, Cat Brooks and Saied Karamooz. Last Thursday evening, the first debate of the 2018 Oakland Mayor’s race...