By Richard Wembe Johnson, San Quentin Prison In some prisons there are self-help courses that teach inmates health and communicable disease issues. Unfortunately, not all of the prisons can...
By Edrees Saied, DACA recipient As a foreign-born citizen, I am devastated with the Trump administration’s decision to end DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Over 800,000 young undocumented...
By La Clinica de La Raza The Sweet Influence of a Harmful Product and Addictive Habit. Research proves many smokers today get hooked at a young...
By Jowel C. Laguerre, Ph.D., Chancellor, Peralta Community College District Toward the end of his administration, President Obama introduced the idea of free college tuition for...
By Sona Mohnot In the last five years, San Jose has seen severe drought followed by the worst floods in a century and, to top it...
By Rob Bonta California’s housing crisis has become an out-of-control car rolling downhill and gaining speed. The ability of middle and low-income people to secure affordable...
By Richard Wembe Johnson, San Quentin Prison The recent rally at Charlottesville, Virginia that resulted in the deaths of three people, points out the inability for...
By James Harris Over the last few years, the illegal dumping problem in Oakland has become a city-wide crisis. There has not been one single day when I...
Laney College student with Tower Administration Building in the background. Laney serves an estimated 11,000 students annually. Photo courtesy of Laney College By Laney College President...
Student in Automotive Technician Program at College of Alameda. Photo courtesy of COA. By Tim Karas, College of Alameda President Community colleges are a workforce engine...
By Paul Clermont “Innocent until proven guilty” is a fundamental principle of decent societies worldwide. So is the idea that people who cause harm should be...
By Virtual Murrell While growing up in (Harbor Homes) in West Oakland, I learned academics and how to play team sports, especially the game of basketball....
Exposing Racism in Oakland. Photo courtesy of By Wilson Riles Jr. It was a surprise to me, despite my 38 years of involvement with Oakland...
Protect tenants by repealing the Costa Hawkins Act By Gloria Bruce We are in a housing crisis of epic proportions: rents have spiraled out of control,...
By Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent of Schools Students need to feel seen, to see themselves reflected in their teacher’s eyes as having limitless potential. That’s how...
Gay Plair Cobb, Oakland Private Industry Council CEO, speaks Tuesday at Community and Economic Development Committee meeting. Photo by Ken Epstein The Oakland City Council’s Community and Economic...
The Oakland school district is likely to propose the closing of more schools using a term borrowed from corporate America called “rightsizing.” The Business Dictionary calls...
By Jowel C. Laguerre, Ph.D., Chancellor, Peralta Community College District It is known that community colleges nationwide provide the most practical point of educational access for many students. ...
The Trump administration has launched an unprecedented rollback of civil rights and voting rights. Those who care about building a more perfect union face harsh headwinds....
When The Greenlining Institute joined with other Oaklanders to launch a campaign for Uber to take responsibility for its business practices in Oakland, we got lots...
To protect the Black community, we need Black political power. We need people in key positions who understand that “power is the ability to define phenomena...
On Monday, Juneteenth, Black Liberation Day, I agreed to become the editor for the Bay View Newspaper. It is with great honor, respect and much consideration...
Richmond-area residents participated in a Soulful Softball Sunday Ministry softball game against the San Quentin Hard Timers at the state prison on June 4. By Rodney...
The Oakland City Council this week once again postponed approval of the Public Bank of Oakland Feasibility Study, despite the testimony of many supporters and a...
The lynching rope is part of the altar for Omnira Institute’s ‘Ritual of Remembrance’ Juneteenth celebration on June 10 at Lake Merritt. “Where there’s a will,...