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Donovan Jennings Embraces Switch from Tackle to Guard Ahead of 2024 Draft

NNPA NEWSWIRE — The former tackle turned guard put up impressive “Pro Day” numbers and has sparked the interest of several teams ahead of the April 25th-27th draft weekend. Jennings also impressed during the Shrine game where he played guard and turned heads once again. Already a polished product, Jennings feels he would enter a locker room, prepared to take on a leadership role. We sit down with Donovan Jennings to discuss his draft day preparation and what it would mean to hear his name called.
The post Donovan Jennings Embraces Switch from Tackle to Guard Ahead of 2024 Draft first appeared on BlackPressUSA.



University of South Florida loses their anchor, in tackle Donovan Jennings

By Percy Crawford

Holding the record for most games played by a University of South Florida Bull (55), Jennings’ days as a Bull may have come to an end, but his indelible legacy is intact, and he moves forward to this year’s NFL draft. The former tackle turned guard put up impressive “Pro Day” numbers and has sparked the interest of several teams ahead of the April 25th-27th draft weekend. Jennings also impressed during the Shrine game where he played guard and turned heads once again. Already a polished product, Jennings feels he would enter a locker room, prepared to take on a leadership role.

We sit down with Donovan Jennings to discuss his draft day preparation and what it would mean to hear his name called.

What was preparation like for your “Pro Day?”

Jennings: I had a lot of teammates working out for what we call the biggest interview of your life. You just gotta prepare, make sure your process is right. You gotta be locked in. There were a lot of nerves that come along with it of course. You put all this work in for 4,5,6 years, and you just want to put it out in a couple of hours. You want to make sure you maximize every moment, make sure you don’t get too high or too low, and just be you in that moment.

How much did the Shrine game propel you forward during this process?

Jennings: It gave me the confidence that I can go in and play a new position at a high-level. It was a great experience to put on a great Bowl Game. It was a great time, met some great players, and built some great connections as well. It was a great set up and East-West did a great job.

Moving from tackle to guard, there will be a lot more down blocking and pulling in your future. How important was it for you to play guard in that Shrine game?

Jennings: I played a few games at guard in college, two games, and summer practice, and getting a lot of reps in one-on-ones, but it was good to go against some good guys and get a lot of action in that environment. I think I showcased my athleticism and versatility and showed what I can do at the next level.

We are in the microwave era where we want what we want right now. You being a 6-year guy, coming in with so much experience, that used to be applauded, but now I feel like you have a point to prove when you come in experienced. How do you revive that through your play?

Jennings: I’m coming in as a leader. Obviously, I’m not saying I’m established but I’m a well-polished offensive lineman just looking to perfect his craft. I come in with a lot of experience. I played in 55 games. Consistency and availability is the best ability, just know that that’s what I bring. If I’m blessed enough to get drafted, you’re getting a consistent, hardworking lineman, no matter what comes his way. No matter whether it’s an injury, I bounce back quickly, and that’s what they can expect from me.

You had several opportunities to transfer with many takers, your loyalty to South Florida says a lot about your character.

Jennings: For sure! USF is my home, it’s where I played and got my degree from, and the one place I will always call home. I wanted to create a winning environment and set a foundation. We went from 1-11 to 7-6. We could’ve had a better season, but it set a foundation for years to come. It was cool having a full circle moment. We went 7-6 my true freshman year, being ranked #22, after starting 7-0. We went through some ups and downs after that, so being able to bounce back, won our Bowl Game. So, whatever team drafts me, I will be coming in with a loyal mindset. My mind will be on winning a Super Bowl, being a better teammate, and hoping to start in the NFL for years to come.

Have you had someone walk you through this process?

Jennings: My family is involved. I always reach out to them. My very close friends. My coach, Coach Hudanick, he’s been my coach at USF for a long time. He’s really been giving me guidance, tips, and encouragement that could help me as well.

Have you wrapped your mind around potentially hearing your name called on draft day?

Jennings: I’m still focused and grinding, and taking each day as they come, but as the day comes closer, you start feeling it more. It starts to become real. When that day comes, just hope for the best and just go from there.

For any team that takes a chance on Donovan Jennings, what type of person and player will they be getting?

Jennings: Man… a hardworking, committed, consistent, and nasty offensive lineman who is going to come in and work hard, who will try to get better, learn, and lead. They will get a person who cares, a genuine person who actually wants to talk and listen, and just a great guy.

Have you studied any lineman to grab some skills and techniques from?

Jennings: I would say early in my career, my true freshman year in college, it was just me. I was focused on me, grinding, and focusing on football. Going into football, expecting nothing out of it, just trying to get better every day. I started a few games as a true freshman, and I definitely started picking up some tips that other offensive lineman did. A lot of college offensive lineman at first, but then guys like Tristan Wirfs, Jason Peters, and all the greats. Tyler Smith, he was in our same conference when he played for Tulsa, so seeing him work was great.

How did you walk away from your “Pro Day” feeling?

Jennings: For me personally, you always think you can do a little better. I definitely wanted to get 30 plus on bench. I wasn’t able to but 28 is still a solid number. From all the work I put in throughout the draft process, to run a 4.9 (40-yard dash), I gave it everything and I was blessed to be able to do it. You could always do better but I’m happy with the result.

What would it mean for you to hear your name on draft day?

Jennings: Man, if I was to get drafted… woo. It would be a surreal moment. Just hearing my name after all of the hard work me and my family put in, it would be a surreal moment.

The post Donovan Jennings Embraces Switch from Tackle to Guard Ahead of 2024 Draft first appeared on BlackPressUSA.

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OP-ED – Reimagining America: Biden is Not the Only Way Democrats Can Win

NNPA NEWSWIRE: We need a leader who understands the struggles of everyday Americans and has the vision and stamina to lead for the next eight years. Vice President Kamala Harris embodies these qualities.
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By Rep. Ron Reynolds

After last week’s highly anticipated debate, I couldn’t shake a deep sense of unease. I watched the debate in its entirety, and I was deeply disturbed. I didn’t want to react out of frustration or emotion, so I took a night to reflect. The next day, my disappointment had not subsided. As a Biden DNC National Delegate, I firmly believe we need to make significant changes.

It’s time to replace President Biden at the convention and nominate Vice President Kamala Harris. This isn’t a cavalier statement; it’s one I stand by. I welcome debate and criticism, but my primary goal is clear: we must defeat Trump and the MAGA movement for the future of all Americans.

Recently, I have been criticized and even threatened with censure for expressing my belief that the Democratic Party might fare better against Trump with a new nominee. This perspective was formed long before recent public opinion polls supported my concerns. To be clear, I will continue to support President Biden if he remains our nominee. Nonetheless, I will persist in making good trouble, fighting, and speaking truth to power.

Democrats claim to support free speech but then criticize each other for speaking their minds. This kind of internal conflict plays right into the hands of Republicans, who benefit from our division. To truly stand united, Democrats must encourage open dialogue and respect differing opinions within our party.

Our nation faces unprecedented challenges that require fresh, dynamic leadership. To meet these challenges head-on, the Democratic Party must embrace innovation and diversity. We need a leader who understands the struggles of everyday Americans and has the vision and stamina to lead for the next eight years. Vice President Kamala Harris embodies these qualities.

The Democratic Party prides itself on being a party of inclusion, representing a broad coalition of people from all walks of life. Yet, our leadership doesn’t always reflect this diversity. It’s time for a change!

We need leaders who reflect the realities of America today and understand our unique challenges—those who can garner a wide base of supporters. Kamala Harris has a proven track record of fighting for justice and equality. She knows how to build coalitions that include people of all races, genders, and backgrounds. She can energize young voters, women, and people of color—voters crucial to our success.

Innovation is not only about who leads but also how we lead. The Democratic Party must adopt new strategies and technologies to effectively engage voters. We need to leverage social media, data analytics, and grassroots organizing to build a movement capable of countering the well-funded forces of the right. We must engage voters on the issues that matter most to them, from healthcare and education to climate change and economic inequality.

Moreover, we need leaders willing to take bold stands on critical issues. We need leaders who will fight for a living wage, affordable healthcare, and comprehensive immigration reform. Leaders who will stand up to special interests and prioritize the common good. We need leaders who will advocate for peace and stability globally, calling for ceasefires in conflict zones and working towards lasting solutions.

The Democratic Party has a proud history of innovation and progress, from FDR’s New Deal to Obama’s Affordable Care Act. It’s time to renew that legacy. We need leaders who reflect our multicultural society, embrace innovation, and fight for a brighter future, not the status quo.

America deserves better than the status quo. We need leaders who can inspire and unite us. This is our moment to infuse new energy and vision into our party and country. Let’s nominate a leader who can lead us to victory with the passion and dedication that our great nation requires. It’s time for a change, and I firmly believe Vice President Kamala Harris is the leader we need.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of or the National Newspaper Publishers Association.


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Celebrate America’s Birthday by Thanking Those Who Teach Our Youngest Learners

NNPA NEWSWIRE — The CDA Credential is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education and it’s a key steppingstone on the path of career advancement in the sector. The CDA is based on a core set of competency standards that guide early childhood professionals toward becoming qualified educators of young children.
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Andrew Davis, Chief Operating Officer, Council for Professional Recognition

As we mark America’s Independence Day, I’m reflecting on the role education played in my family’s journey to this incredible country and the educators who helped make it happen. I was born in Antigua in the Caribbean, where my father’s family had lived for many generations. They coped with extreme poverty and many challenges — my grandmother was blind, for instance. Yet, from a very early age, teachers pushed my father to fulfill his potential. Their encouragement led him to attend university in Barbados and eventually earn his doctorate at the University of Sussex in England. Later, we settled in the United States, where my dad is a professor at Howard University in Washington, D.C.

Each step of the way, a mentor encouraged him to keep growing and expanding his mind. Their support not only changed his life but also paved the way for future generations of our family. I was so excited to spend time recently with about 150 students at Florida International University in Miami who completed their Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential coursework through the Professional Development Institute at the Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe. Through articulation agreements with higher education institutions in Florida, these students can receive college credits toward an associate or bachelor’s degree in early childhood education.

Davis (left) met with education leaders and supporters who helped students complete their Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential coursework through the Professional Development Institute at the Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe.

Davis (left) met with education leaders and supporters who helped students complete their Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential coursework through the Professional Development Institute at the Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe.

The CDA Credential is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education and it’s a key steppingstone on the path of career advancement in the sector. The CDA is based on a core set of competency standards that guide early childhood professionals toward becoming qualified educators of young children. Our nonprofit, the Council for Professional Recognition, works to ensure that the nationally transferable CDA is a credible and valid credential, recognized by the profession as a vital part of professional development. CDA educators know how to put the CDA Competency Standards into practice and have an understanding of why those standards help children move with success from one developmental stage to another. Put simply, CDA educators know how to nurture the emotional, physical, intellectual, and social development of children.

It was an honor to recognize and celebrate these scholars, who participated in 120 hours of instruction and at least 480 hours of on-the-job training. They also compiled a professional portfolio and created a center-based capstone project. At the graduation ceremony, I told these students that they should feel proud of their achievements and be empowered to become advocates for early childhood education. I emphasized the importance of cultivating resilience in the face of challenges and embracing lifelong learning. That lifelong learning can include earning additional degrees as well as serving as CDA Professional Development Specialists, who use their expertise to assess CDA candidates’ competencies and facilitate reflective conversations with candidates for the credential.

Most importantly, the CDA scholars I met in Miami and other ceremonies this year are now serving as early childhood educators in communities across the U.S. They’re professionals who support safe and healthy learning environments, provide positive guidance, successfully engage, and interact with families and contribute to ensuring an early learning program is well run. I know their work will pay off. Years ago, my dad’s teachers had no way of imagining where their influence would lead. Indeed, when I look up to the sky on the Fourth to watch the fireworks, I’ll keep in mind the educators who help their students reach higher and higher for spectacular results and the bright futures they create.

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LIVE! : Make it Plain at the White House

NNPA NEWSWIRE — Rev. Mark Thompson interviews Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo LIVE from the White House.
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Rev. Mark Thompson interviews Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo LIVE from the White House.

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