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Neither Obama Nor Republicans Have Vision



Raynard Jackson

By Raynard Jackson
NNPA Columnist


Last week I thought Stevie Wonder gave a great State of the Union Speech. Oops, did I say Stevie Wonder, I meant to say President Obama. But like Stevie Wonder, I couldn’t see the America the president was describing in his speech.

Listening to Obama, you would have thought that America, especially Blacks, had full employment. But according to the Labor Department, the national unemployment rate is 5.6 percent and 10.4 percent for Blacks – nothing to brag about in either case.

The Hispanic unemployment rate is 6.5 percent. Well, this stands to reason since Obama has bent over backward to address issues uniquely impacting Latinos, but has done nothing to address the myriad of pathologies negatively affecting the Black community.

Am I really the only one who has noticed that the Black unemployment rate is almost twice that of the Hispanic community? If not, why does no one seems to be angry? How ironic it is that the first Black president has done more to help every other community more than his own – Hispanics, illegals, homosexuals, etc.

When Obama began talking about the obstructionist Republicans, I thought he was talking to an all-Black audience. He was condescending, arrogant, dismissive, and professorial in his lecture to Republicans. Listening to Obama, you would have thought the Democrats had just won a resounding victory in the November elections.

While Obama has failed Democrats and Blacks, Republican leaders in Congress have proven that they are equally blind to the needs of their followers. They have done absolutely nothing to inspire confidence within the rank-and-file of the party. They have caved on bedrock issues, including homosexuality, amnesty for illegals, and foreign labor at the expense of American workers just to name a few.

If Republicans are going to be “Democrats light,” why settle for a knockoff when we can have the real brand? It is becoming more difficult to distinguish the Republican leadership from the Democrats because Republicans are too busy trying to be liked instead of standing up for the party’s beliefs based on a core set of principles.

For example, Obama wants to mandate paid leave for those who have a baby or adopt. While this sounds good and all touchy feely, can someone explain to me what is the rationale or legitimate role for government intervention on this issue? I thought Republicans believed in keeping the government out of our lives.

Republicans are so obsessed with trying to garner the female vote that they lose sight of their principles. All they need to do is to explain that based on a Republican view of the world, the government has no legitimate role to mandate that an employer provide certain benefits. It is up to the employer to do what he or she deems is in the best interest of the company and its workers. If the employer is on the wrong side of a given issue, the marketplace will make it known through good employees leaving for a better company that will give them all the perks they feel they deserve.

This is a real-world example of a practical “conservative” principle in action. Having a child is strictly a personal, private issue and there is absolutely no role for the government in this area of one’s life. Having a child is a responsibility, not a right. If you can’t afford a child, you should delay child birth until you can afford it.

Obama wants to increase minimum wage. He said, “If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $ 15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise.”

Well, maybe these “hardest-working” people should have worked harder to reach for some birth control to avoid having kids. Minimum wage was never meant for adults; it was created to give high schoolers their first job to prepare them for adulthood.

On the surface, offering a free community college education sounds like a great idea. But how is it going to be paid for? Will Congress allot new money or merely re-direct what’s already in the pot, meaning other programs will suffer.

It’s quite obvious that Obama doesn’t care that this program will further destroy Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Obama has done more to harm HBCUs than any president in modern history. On the other hand, Republicans have been among the staunchest supporters of HBCUs. Why haven’t they stepped up on this important issue? Is this how they “reach out” to African Americans?

And what about Obama’s point about equal pay for women? He said, “That’s why this Congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work. Really. It’s 2015. It’s time.”

Obama should clean up his own home before pointing to dirt in others. The Washington Post reported last July that males get paid 13 percent ($10,200) more than women in the Obama White House.

Even when it comes to politics, both Obama and Republicans are short-sighted.


Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC., a Washington, D.C.-based public relations/government affairs firm. He can be reached through his Web site, You can also follow him on Twitter at @raynard1223.



COMMENTARY: DA Price Has Done Nothing Wrong; Oppose Her Recall

The job of the District Attorney’s Office is to do justice, not revenge. Since I was an NAACP leader and then a Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Field Secretary in my home of Durham, N.C., in the 1960s, I have fought for prosecutorial justice of the kind Price tries to model. She is wrongly accused of not arresting criminals, (not her job), wrongly accused of letting criminal out of jail once arrested (not true) and failing to charge enhancements (part of a state reform movement).



Walter Riley. Courtesy photo.
Walter Riley. Courtesy photo.

By Walter Riley
Attorney at Law

It has long been known that the criminal justice system needs to be reformed. Pamela Price campaigned on a promise to reform Alameda County’s criminal justice system.  She ran a grassroots campaign, largely funded by small donations.

Despite being outspent nearly 4 to 1, she won decisively with 53% of the vote. She took no money from police unions, freeing her to hold law enforcement accountable, something voters consistently identify as a major issue.

Recall organizing began before she even took office, showing that the recall is not about her performance.

The job of the District Attorney’s Office is to do justice, not revenge. Since I was an NAACP leader and then a Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Field Secretary in my home of Durham, N.C., in the 1960s, I have fought for prosecutorial justice of the kind Price tries to model.

She is wrongly accused of not arresting criminals, (not her job), wrongly accused of letting criminals out of jail once arrested (not true) and failing to charge enhancements (part of a state reform movement).

Oaklandside reported. “In April 2020, a growing number of COVID-19 cases pushed the state court system to lower bail to $0 for most misdemeanor and lower-level felony offenses. The emergency bail schedule, the list setting bail at nothing for most types of crimes, was intended to help reduce the number of people being booked into county jail” during COVID.

It was the Judicial Council Order that released arrestees, not Price!

Sentencing reform makes all our communities safer. Price referred all her attorneys to guidance from the California Commission on Revision of the Penal Code, where charging and enhancements were addressed for reform at the state level.

California state law limits prosecution of youth as adults. Diversion typically yields better out­comes than arrest and prosecution in juvenile courts, including far lower likelihood of subsequent arrests.

Price’s directive to limit sentencing enhancements is a step toward creating a more just and fair system. Enhancements have disproportionately targeted marginalized communities, leading to excessive sentences without addressing the root causes of crime.

By limiting enhancements, Price is creating more balanced sentencing, focusing on rehabilitation over harsh punishment.

Her broader actions in office have shown a commitment to making Alameda County safer. According to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, crime in Oakland has dropped by 33% since DA Price took office, underscoring the effectiveness of her approach.

Her administration also expanded mental health courts, ensuring individuals with mental health challenges receive appropriate treatment, reducing recidivism.

In addition, she increased victim advocacy by 38%, providing support to over 22,500 victims.

The recall effort is premature and unjustified. DA Price has been in office for just over a year and a half, and despite significant opposition from the start, she has made transformative changes.

Some key achievements include:

  • Holding corporations accountable has been a central pillar of her work, bringing in over $20 million in settlements and judgments, five times as much as previous administrations.
  • Securing a $4 million settlement holding Safeway, Vons, and Albertsons accountable for overcharging customers,
  • Filing 12 felony charges against a man accused of multiple armed robberies.
  • Investigating and prosecuting police misconduct.

Her approach is focused on long-term reform, and residents deserve the chance to see these policies take full effect before casting judgment.

Media coverage has largely focused on sensational stories about crime, often overlooking the broader reforms and successes achieved by Price. Fear-driven narratives about crime spikes—many of which are linked to the pandemic—have often obscured her efforts to make the justice system fairer and more effective.

DA Price’s 40 years of experience as a civil rights attorney, including a win before the U.S. Supreme Court, has been foundational to her efforts to reform the criminal justice system.

Her deep understanding of justice, fairness, and accountability is precisely why she’s the right person to lead Alameda County’s justice system into the future.  We can’t go back.

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Harris Dominates First Presidential Debate as Trump Struggles to Defend Record

NNPA NEWSWIRE — Vice President Kamala Harris positioned herself as a problem-solver, taking on issues like housing, childcare, and the economy. In her opening statement, she outlined her “opportunity economy” plan, which focuses on bolstering the middle class. “I was raised as a middle-class kid, and I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America,” Harris said. She detailed a $6,000 child tax credit as part of her plan to support young families.



Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris during their first presidential debate Philadelphia on Tuesday night. Photo: Screen capture from ABC News feed of the debate.
Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris during their first presidential debate Philadelphia on Tuesday night. Photo: Screen capture from ABC News feed of the debate.

By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

Vice President Kamala Harris decisively took control of the first presidential debate against former President Donald Trump in Philadelphia on Tuesday night, delivering a performance that put Trump on the defensive for much of the evening. Moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis of ABC News kept a tight handle on the debate, significantly improving from CNN’s June handling of Trump and President Joe Biden.

The debate began with a surprise as Harris approached Trump to shake his hand and introduced herself as “Kamala Harris,” an unusual move that set the tone for the night. Trump’s trademark scowl stayed in place throughout the debate, as Harris pressed him on his legal woes and diminished his record. Displaying her prosecutorial skills, Harris consistently turned the conversation toward Trump’s convictions, his business fraud case, and his role in the January 6 insurrection.

Harris positioned herself as a problem-solver, taking on issues like housing, childcare, and the economy. In her opening statement, she outlined her “opportunity economy” plan, which focuses on bolstering the middle class.

“I was raised as a middle-class kid, and I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America,” Harris said. She detailed a $6,000 child tax credit as part of her plan to support young families.

Trump, by contrast, criticized the Biden-Harris economy, calling it “the worst period of time” he had seen. He defended his tariff policies and took aim at Harris, labeling her a “Marxist” while also accusing her of copying his economic policies. “I was going to send her a MAGA hat,” Trump quipped.

Abortion rights were another major focus of the night. Trump, when asked if he would veto a federal abortion ban, declined to answer directly, stating, “I won’t have to,” and arguing that the end of Roe v. Wade had satisfied everyone. Harris, in turn, vowed to restore Roe’s protections through federal legislation if elected.

“I pledge to you: when Congress passes a bill to put back in place the protections of Roe v. Wade as President of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law,” she said.

As the debate went on, Trump repeated several conspiracy theories, including a claim that migrants were eating pets in U.S. cities, which Muir quickly fact-checked. Trump doubled down, citing “people on television” as his source. Harris largely let Trump’s more outlandish statements pass, opting to stay on policy while allowing the moderators to address his factually inaccurate remarks.

In one of the most heated moments, Harris invited viewers to attend a Trump rally for themselves, commenting, “He talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter and windmills causing cancer. You’ll notice people start leaving his rallies early—out of exhaustion and boredom.”

Trump, visibly irritated, retorted that he holds “the most incredible rallies in the history of politics,” but the debate soon returned to more substantive issues like crime and inflation.

The night clearly contrasted Biden’s earlier debate with Trump, as Harris managed to keep Trump on the defensive. Trump continued to fixate on conspiracy theories and past grievances, while Harris stayed focused on presenting her vision for the future.

With fewer than 60 days until the election, the debate sets the tone for what will likely be a hard-fought campaign. As the debate ended, Harris closed with a message to the American people: “This is about who we are as a country. The choice is clear—between chaos and leadership, fear and hope.”

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Opinion: In First Presidential Debate, Harris Exposes Trump’s Inadequacies

She’s still calling herself the underdog, but the biracial woman from Oakland, half Black and half Asian American, just changed the race for the presidency of the United States. If you ever doubted Kamala Harris’ ability to be our nation’s leader, everyone who watched Tuesday’s debate saw how fully capable she is of the job. She belongs in the White House.



Screenshot from Presidential Debate.
Screenshot from Presidential Debate.

By Emil Guillermo

She’s still calling herself the underdog, but the biracial woman from Oakland, half Black and half Asian American, just changed the race for the presidency of the United States.

If you ever doubted Kamala Harris’ ability to be our nation’s leader, everyone who watched Tuesday’s debate saw how fully capable she is of the job.

She belongs in the White House.

Harris not only bested Donald Trump in arguing the facts; she showed how totally inadequate Trump is to again be our country’s Commander-in-Chief.

Harris deftly made her case on issue after issue, while baiting and manipulating Trump on the economy, on abortion, and on immigration.

Imagine how Putin and other world leaders play Trump. Harris exposed Trump for all to see. It wasn’t exactly an “emperor has no clothes” moment. It was more like “the twice impeached, convicted felon on 34 counts” has no business running for president. Trump is unfit mentally for the job, if not unfit morally.

It must have been a disappointment for deep MAGA to see their candidate so incapable of holding his own against Harris. At one point, she had him defending the crowd size at his rallies after she said people were leaving because he was boring.

And then instead of real policies that impact our lives, the former president spoke passionately about… his crowd size.

When that happened, I think everyone could see: Harris ate his lunch.

Going into the debate, the consensus in this tight race was that it was a virtual tie with Trump one point ahead.

But after their first meeting ever in a head-to-head-match up, CNN’s instant poll showed Harris winning the debate well beyond any margin of error, 63 percent to 37 percent.

There’s more distance between the two than previously understood. The debate exposed that.


At the beginning of the week, I said the only way Trump could win the debate was if he “played nice.”

But the bully just couldn’t do it.

Acting presidential was just one lie Trump couldn’t pull off in another debate night mired in Trump lies.

Did his administration really do “a phenomenal job in the pandemic” when over a million Americans are dead? Is Kamala Harris “a Marxist and everybody knows it”? And what about those cat-eating immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, where every local official confirmed to news organizations that the story was false. There was even a lie on that Trump lie, when the former president said the immigrants were eating cats AND dogs. No, it’s just one lie. Just cats is enough.

And all that was just a fraction of the lies Trump told in the 90-minute debate.

Still, even with all that, I wouldn’t say Kamala Harris “whooped” Donald Trump.

It was more like general domination.

In fact, she had him at “Kamala Harris.”

When Trump seemed to dismiss the possibility of an opening handshake, Harris forced the issue. She walked toward Trump’s podium, reached out her hand, and introduced herself by name.

That gesture put Trump on the defensive all night.

About the Author

Emil Guillermo is a journalist and commentator. See his micro talkshow on

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