SACRAMENTO OBSERVER — The all-new half-hour situation comedy, “Mind Your Business,” gives viewers a sneak peek into the Williams family’s hectic and hilarious life. The show...
MICHIGAN CHRONICLE — As the late Aaliyah emphasized in one of her hit songs, “Age ain’t nothing but a number.” This old saying proves especially true...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Our collective cultural conscience has been assaulted. It feels like a gut punch. Like everything we thought we knew now makes no sense....
ATLANTA VOICE — Now, Aaliyah’s mother, Diane Haughton, has reportedly released a statement in response to Cunningham’s claims that a then 27-year-old R. Kelly seduced the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — For Dream Hampton, who served as executive producer of the much-talked about “Surviving R. Kelly” documentary, the explosive revelations in the film were...
ROLLINGOUT.COM — R. Kelly wants to fight back after his sexual exploits were revealed in the documentary series “Surviving R. Kelly.”
ROLLINGOUT.COM — Dash had been silent for nearly two decades.
Actress and recording artist Zendaya will be filling a new role this summer as the late songbird Aaliyah in a Lifetime biopic of the R&B singer’s...