Oakland natives and esteemed members of the African American Sports and Entertainment Group (AASEG), Jonathan P. Jones and Dr. Maritony Efua Jones, recently embarked on a...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “When talking about slavery, particularly the Transatlantic slave trade and its after-effects, there are certain institutions that directly benefitted and continue to reap...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “The Burial of Kojo,” is essentially a human story of courage and survival, a 2019 Pan African Film Festival Official Selection and the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “We are excited to share our love and creativity with every woman that wants to tap into their inner goddess. Love is truly...
DAKAR, Senegal (New York Times) — Roughly 100 people have died after an explosion sent flames coursing through a gas station in the center of Accra,...