Kaiser Permanente is the first hospital in the East Bay to offer the program through a partnership with the Cleveland Cord Blood Center
The artworks, created by the Grammy-nominated visual artist Serge Gay Jr, were commissioned to encourage people to continue to take safety precautions against COVID-19 even though...
However, on most issues in the survey, Democrats and Republicans generally disagreed. One notable issue was whether schools should spend more time teaching about the causes...
Located in Oakland, the Family Violence Law Center (FVLC) served 2,673 survivors and provided legal support to 1,186 survivors across Alameda County during its last fiscal year, July 2019-June 2020.
Calling the FBI’s activities and methods under Hoover “government-sponsored harassment,” Cohen said “COINTELPRO was not just violent and illegal. What made it so pernicious is it...
The State budget makes historic investments in homelessness programs, education, and the state’s long-term financial health. It prioritizes the health and safety of Californians by committing...
Virtual Town Hall - July 14th at 6 p.m.
“As Oakland continues to navigate through the challenges brought about by a global pandemic, along with the simultaneous outcry for social and economic justice, particularly for...
When we choose to trust science, we should then weigh our options before we accept or reject any product touted as being the cure.
Investigators are still going through video and social media documenting the attempt to disrupt congressional affirmation of President Joe Biden’s victory. Just six months ago.
Jassal has been a committed volunteer in Oakland, preparing and serving food for the hungry with Post co-publisher Gay Plair Cobb at First Presbyterian Church and...
The heart of Oakland as a progressive, working-class city and the unusual reality of thousands of decent-paying jobs employing Black workers are all at stake.
Councilmembers Send Letter to Mayor and Police Chief Urging Correction of Inaccurate, Fear-Inciting Rhetoric
They have brought together thousands of African-American and Latino residents of Oakland and San Francisco to fight for housing and immigrant rights.
Just remember the Republicans want to deny you a chair and some water while you wait in line to vote in some states. That’s where this...
You can check out more information on workshops and events on their website at www.justarmour.org and you can also call them by phone at 707-295-7105.
Hannah-Jones and Coates add to the list of media heavy hitters who have recently joined the faculty at Howard.
One property was leased for $3,000 a month, the other for $4,000 a month
Assembly District 18 includes most of Oakland, San Leandro and Alameda. About 65% of voters there are Democrat, according to the Public Policy Institute of California....
In her resignation letter, Carter recounted incidents during her onboarding and work as president-elect when NAWBO showed reluctance to support Black women business owners.
In 1534, Esteban and the four remaining survivors escaped. As the journey continued, he would become a scout, a diplomat and lead communicator. According to historians,...
For the second year in a row, the organization could not hold Vallejo’s Annual Juneteenth Celebration due to COVID-19. AAFRC President Gwendolyn White says launching the...
Bao House’s second grand opening will be July 9 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Orders can be placed here: https://foodnome.com/menus/drdjy.
Community experts will speak on the general question: “Will the Placement of 3,000 residences, a mall, and a stadium on Port property harm the Oakland Port?”
According to the lawsuit, the Planning Commission finally ruled in favor of the couple’s right to use the sweat lodge and hold religious ceremonies. However, the...