THE AFRO — McKenzie led the audience on a whirlwind historical “roll call” of efforts to revise the narrative of cultural events around the globe, including...
For the 157th time in history, the African Methodist Episcopal Church in California met to report at the call of their bishop, the Right Reverend Clement...
Parks Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, located at 476 34th Street Oakland, California is excited to announce that Rev. Dr. Rosalynn Brookins, senior pastor was awarded...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — This upcoming weekend Laverne Whitehead Reed will be installed as the senior pastor at Warren Avenue Christian Church in Dallas, TX. I’m excited...
NORTH DALLAS GAZETTE — Rev. Adam Jefferson Richardson, Jr. was installed as the Senior Bishop of the AME Church on June 26, during the AME Church’s Annual...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The week, which featured panel discussions and meetings of the board and association of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), also included a...
ATLANTA VOICE — James’s tenure as president follows the departure of Stanley J. Pritchett.
NASHVILLE PRIDE — McKenzie began her address with a simple question: “When was the last time you took a stand for something,”.