"The (show) is a fictional story about a character named Etta, aka Lady Peaches," said Marks. "She falls in love with Johnny Rhythm, leader of the...
Over the past few years, several reports have been released across the country highlighting the need to revitalize commercial districts in post-pandemic America. All of them...
“We’re all together for each other celebrating 31 years of building international solidarity between the people of the United States and South Africa toward the implementation...
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown has announced his endorsement support for Dana Lang for BART Board District 7 Seat, which includes voters from both...
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown has announced his endorsement support for Dana Lang for BART Board District 7 Seat, which includes voters from both...
More than 200 people gathered at Scott’s Seafood Bar & Grill on Aug. 2 to honor Nichole Starr Jordan, a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha...
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao issued an executive order on Monday directing all city departments to enforce the 2020 encampment management policy and begin a much more...
Alameda County Supervisors Nate Miley and Keith Carson have announced their support for Dana Lang for the BART Board District 7 Seat. These supervisors say that...
William (“Bill”) Pierce Coburn, longtime Oakland architect who helped Oakland and Berkeley preserve its architectural heritage, passed away on July 24. He was 80 years old.
Berkeley’s Black Repertory Group (BBRG), the only Black-owned-and-operated theater in the East Bay, is pushing for the City of Berkeley to provide the financial backing for...
On June 7, Jennifer Granholm, U.S. Department of Energy Secretary, made a visit to Green the Church (GTC) in Oakland. GTC is a Bay Area faith-based...
Four years after passing Measure QQ, which advocated for youth voting in school board elections, Alameda County is progressing towards granting 16 and 17 year olds...
Contra Costa County cooks can now get a permit to sell home-cooked food, thanks to a new food permit made available on Monday via Contra Costa...
One year ago, on June 12, 2023, my husband of 35 years was picked up by a van at our house in Oakland. It was the...
Juneteenth is upon us, and it seems that since it achieved status as a federal holiday, the celebration is being held in different places, and where...
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) in California have more than doubled in the last half-decade, making the yards of one in five single-family homes into multi-unit properties....
AC Transit Board Director Jovanka Beckles came in second place in the six-way primary race for state Senate District 7 seat to represent Oakland and Berkeley,...
Sidney Carey was born in Dallas, Texas. He moved with his family to West Oakland as a baby. His sister is deceased; one brother lives in...
The Community Housing Working Group hosted a briefing on April 23 at Cafeteria 15L in Sacramento. Discussions focused on how the housing crisis in California affects...
James J. Brosnahan, ESQ, an international trial lawyer and trial advocacy teacher, has remained unshaken in his fervent belief in the power of the law to...
Rich Lyons, an established economist, former dean of the Haas School of Business and the campus's current leader for innovation and entrepreneurship, will become the next...
Helena P. Hill, 92, was born and raised on her grandfather’s farm in Plaquemine, Louisiana. “We had cows, chickens and horses. I even picked cotton.” She...
The Standard recently enjoyed a sunny-day stroll through Richmond’s Barbara and Jay Vincent Park and an exquisite section of the city’s ample share of San Francisco...
East Bay leaders announced regional public safety and crime partnership at a press conference Wednesday morning along the Hegenberger Road Corridor as community concerns continue to...
Renée, a Berkeley resident, was dismayed last summer when she saw the final sale price of the four-plex where she and members of her family have...