NNPA NEWSWIRE — “This is a special day for Black communities and for all Americans and marks the start of a new era for the judicial...
As Wilhelmenia “Mina” Wilson grew older, she went through her own traumatic experiences. As a young woman, she, too, became a victim to domestic violence. “The only...
Not many people think of California as having deep roots embedded in slavery, and practices of white supremacy. California was admitted as a free state on...
Black people must learn to “leverage our allies in support of our goals,” even if those allies aren’t Black. She explained that others could and are...
Systemic racism, a history of racist policies, and racist social structures all contribute to Black women and Black men experiencing intimate partner violence at a disproportionately...
Considering itself a grassroots community activist movement, Black Women Revolt was founded in 2020. The group’s founders, Geoffrea Morris and Lyn-Tise Jones -- who are sisters...
“To do womanist theology, we must read and hear the Bible and engage it within the context of our own experience,” Dr. Jacquelyn Grant said. “This...
Eventually, Marshall and others would help convince the court to embrace Harlan’s view that “in view of the Constitution, in the eye of the law, there...
“The journey to college is mythical for most Black girls in California. Our nation has a long history of racial trauma and discriminatory behavior toward Black...
Having a strong contingent of Black women judges on these courts means the lived experience they bring — in addition to their stellar legal credentials —...
“Congresswoman Chisholm was a trailblazer, a champion of the poor and marginalized, and a role model to me and so many other women in politics, especially...
According to a report by California Student Loan and Debt Service Review Workgroup (CSLDSRW) — established under the state’s Budget Act of 2020 — and the...
Recent reports also show that Black candidates are faring especially well in Senate fundraising in the 2022 cycle. While summary numbers might mask persistent hurdles, these...
“How will Black-owned and minority-owned businesses benefit from trillions of taxpayer money being directed to cities and states?” asked Gene Hale, president of the Greater Los...
During a 1997 interview with Jet magazine, Taylor described herself as a “blacktivist,” and admitted that she had “no long-term career aspirations as a flight attendant...
Springfield Race Riot of 1908, Sixteen people died. $150,000 in property damage. The riot was a catalyst of the formation of the NAACP. The population of...
That statistic bears alarming and costly health consequences, as infants born prematurely are at higher risk for breathing, heart and brain abnormalities, among other complications.
Last week, Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA-37) announced that she is running to be the first woman mayor of Los Angeles – and the second African American...
Four influential California Black women came together for a Facebook Live conversation focused on the Delta variant of COVID-19, the safety of vaccines and how they...
WAR volunteers say, in their upcoming messaging campaigns, they will explain to Californians what a recall election is, and why, in their opinion, there is a...
Kamlager says her office used the Budget Act of 2021 to help fund local programs, including art, healthcare and housing initiatives. About $400 million of the...
Joined by members of the Congressional Black Caucus and cosponsors of H.R. 2116, the CROWN Act, the signers request FINA evaluate how barriers to participation, like...
Social media users, media pundits, and celebrities rushed to Richardson’s defense, noting that marijuana is legal in many states anyway and using the hashtag #LetHerRun.
The Black RJ movement has a policy agenda that will hold law enforcement, politicians, corporations, voters and all people living in the U.S. to account. It...
The 450-page reader focuses on Black dating and male and female relationships, a subject that has been a large focus for his weekly podcasts over the past four years....