Born in Montgomery, Ala., in 1899, Percy Lavon Julian grew up during a time when educational opportunities for African Americans were severely limited. Despite these challenges, his parents...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Founded on August 10, 1934, by local entrepreneur and legendary Civil Rights activist Cecil E. Newman, the MSR has chronicled local, state, national,...
THE OKLAHOMA EAGLE — The 1993 movie “What’s Love Got to Do with It” portrayed the relationship between Ike and Tina Turner as abusive before their...
Orenthal James (O.J.) Simpson, who rose to fame as a college football player who went on to the NFL and parlayed his talents in acting and...
Last summer, the White House offered Southern California small business owner Kerman Maddox a unique opportunity to serve on a national committee set up to advise...
As Controller of California’s largest city since 2013, Galperin has led audits that uncovered billions of spending that he deemed ineffective and launched a website that...
Californians are scheduled to start receiving their second stimulus payment on Sept. 1, two weeks before California's gubernatorial recall election.
OAKLAND POST — Patents are important official documents as they are used to safeguard one’s inventions. The first U.S. patent was issued in 1790. But it...
THE AFRO — Rocky Parrish is not the kind of man who likes to ride the wave he makes them. Whether in his one time role as...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — As a result of the $10.6 billion acquisition deal, Allen’s company, Entertainment Studios, announced that it will buy four local stations from Bayou...