During the public comment section of the Assembly Budget Committee hearing on June 13, Adrian Mohammed, an African American representative of the Bay Area Health Initiative...
“This is one of two, free official-sponsored listening sessions that the task force has asked us to do,” said Chris Lodgson, an Elk Grove resident and...
California’s AB 3121, signed into law in 2020, created the nine-member task force to investigate the history and costs of slavery in California and around the...
It is now becoming clear to many local education advocates that under FCMAT, the state’s enforcer, or the whip hand of education austerity, K-12 school districts...
What’s needed for Black children is a comprehensive and systematic approach like the state’s roadmap for English learners, which states that “English learners are the shared...
“Any state vision has to be realized at the local level. Localism is determinative,” Newsom said, thanking Alameda County public health officials and workers, Oakland Mayor...
Elected to his Assembly seat in May, Assemblymember Isaac Bryan (D-Los Angeles) is mainly known for his work on social justice issues. But he has received...
Millions of California students, teachers, administrators are returning to school this week.
Just in case Black businesses in the state are not aware, the California Legislature recently passed the $100 billion California Comeback Plan. It is the biggest...
Advocates argue that health equity is about more than just access to health care. They say it begins when people have access to everything they need...
Recently, in some states, most notoriously Georgia and Florida, lawmakers have taken steps to restrict voting access and rights for many Americans. But in California, policymakers and...
The response to COVID-19 has laid bare, once again, the glaring economic inequalities we live with every day. An essential new institution is public banking —...
OAKLAND POST — The California statewide Youth And Family Civic Engagement Initiative, a joint program of the Dolores Huerta Foundation in Bakersfield and the Martin Luther King...
On Thursday, May 31, a proposal to enact statewide eviction protections by Assemblymember Bob Bonta (D-Oakland) was defeated in the California Legislature. Legislators beholden to the...