The Oakland International Film Festival hosted a screening of “Outlaw Posse” at the Grand Lake Theatre on Monday. Special guests included director/actor Mario Van Peebles and...
Their ongoing mission is to explore, identify and make strategic investments and create foundational opportunities that promote job creation and sustainable, generational wealth-building in Oakland’s African American...
Firing on more than one cylinder and beyond the comedic arena, DeLoatch wrote on VH-1’s hit drama, “Single Ladies” and is completing a middle school fantasy novel about...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Simmons is leading a group of producers who, on Sunday, April 5, will premiere “Def Comedy Jam Presents: Healing Through Laughter,” a marathon...
LOS ANGELES SENTINEL — The participants included NBA greats Norm Nixon and Byron Scott, NFL star Eric Dickerson, award-winning singer Jeffrey Osborne and actor/comedian Cedric the...
Hip-hop artist and actor Common has joined the cast of Barbershop 3, according to Entertainment Weekly. The Grammy and Academy Award winner will star alongside Ice Cube...