Pelham, along with colleagues, authored a significant census report in 1918 titled “Negro Population: 1790-1915,” which provided crucial insights into the African American population and the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — My role in Congress is to advocate for my constituents, and I am pleased that one of the best means to fulfill that...
Those numbers also determine how – and how much -- state and federal funding will be allocated to counties and cities in the state.
“I think it is a step in the right direction,” said David Peters, though he thinks the ordinance could be stronger. “I think we are...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The legislator, freedom fighter and justice warrior, who was famously beaten, bloodied and arrested in Selma, Alabama — and in other cities across...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — According to the Census Bureau post-enumeration survey, 800,000 African Americans went uncounted. What does this mean? It means once again, the voice of...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Mail service continues and now advocates are doing what they can to encourage people to fill out CENSUS forms knowing so many Americans...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The last time the census happened in 2010, I was a 16-year-old high school student and I made sure that we definitely did...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “We are holding a hearing this week to hear directly from the Bureau about its strategy to recruit more Census workers, dispel fears,...
WASHINGTON INFORMER — The Census Bureau released this week its annual report on health insurance coverage, showing that while nearly 2 million people nationwide are losing...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The African American community has been historically undercounted in the census. The Census Bureau estimates that African Americans were undercounted by more than...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — There are approximately 2.6 million Black-owned businesses in the United States. The number of Black or African American-owned firms grew 34.5 percent between...
OAKLAND POST — Over 120 local community and elected leaders rallied June 27 to celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision to block the citizenship question on Census 2020,...
WASHINGTON INFORMER — Leaders of numerous African American organizations recently convened in the District to deal with the upcoming 2020 census that could affect available resources and...
CHARLESTON CHRONICLE — Jeri Green’s passion for the census is still sunrise bright. An outspoken champion of the concerns of African Africans and any people who...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — At a Census Day event hosted by the National Press Club in Washington on Monday, April 1, officials said they’re looking to scale...
CHARLESTON CHRONICLE — New statistics released in February show that African Americans with disabilities are being left behind.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “[T]he census must be conducted in a way that will not thwart the goal of equal representation,” wrote U.S. District Judge Paul Grimm,...
(Politico) – The U.S. Census Bureau is experimenting with eliminating the word “race” altogether in its 2020 survey, according to a report from the Pew Research...
JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The days of the census taker with clipboard in hand may be numbered. The Census Bureau plans to...