The Associated Press ATLANTA (AP) — Tributes to the Confederacy and the Jim Crow era that have existed still abound in the Deep South and beyond...
The Associated Press ATLANTA (AP) — Tributes to the Confederacy and the Jim Crow era that have existed still abound in the Deep South and beyond...
(The Atlantic) – This afternoon, in announcing her support for removing the Confederate flag from the capitol grounds, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asserted that...
RICHMOND (The Washington Post) — Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said Tuesday that he wants to phase out a state-sponsored license plate featuring an image of the...
RICHMOND (The Washington Post) — Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said Tuesday that he wants to phase out a state-sponsored license plate featuring an image of the...
By George E. Curry NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON (NNPA) – In what is quickly and unexpectedly gaining ground as a fitting memorial to the nine African Americans...
By George E. Curry NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON (NNPA) – In what is quickly and unexpectedly gaining ground as a fitting memorial to the nine African Americans...
Doug Stanglin and Tyler Pager, USA TODAY COLUMBIA, S.C. (USA Today) — Demonstrators preparing to gather at the South Carolina Capitol on Saturday to...
(The Washington Post) – After Dylann Storm Roof allegedly shot up an AME church in Charleston, S.C., killing nine people, two flags were lowered more than 100 miles...