He has worked as a police officer, a military officer, and a jazz pianist.
The growth of high paying jobs is booming at the Port of Oakland as the economy continues to recover in part from the global pandemic.
The artworks, created by the Grammy-nominated visual artist Serge Gay Jr, were commissioned to encourage people to continue to take safety precautions against COVID-19 even though...
However, on most issues in the survey, Democrats and Republicans generally disagreed. One notable issue was whether schools should spend more time teaching about the causes...
The State budget makes historic investments in homelessness programs, education, and the state’s long-term financial health. It prioritizes the health and safety of Californians by committing...
“As Oakland continues to navigate through the challenges brought about by a global pandemic, along with the simultaneous outcry for social and economic justice, particularly for...
Black and Brown Community at Greater Risk as COVID-19 Variant Spreads
When we choose to trust science, we should then weigh our options before we accept or reject any product touted as being the cure.
Just remember the Republicans want to deny you a chair and some water while you wait in line to vote in some states. That’s where this...
Public health officials are partly attributing the recent spread of COVID-19 to the more contagious Delta variant of the virus, which recent data shows makes up about 35.6%...
He passed away on March 23, 2021, after battling Parkinson’s disease.
For the second year in a row, the organization could not hold Vallejo’s Annual Juneteenth Celebration due to COVID-19. AAFRC President Gwendolyn White says launching the...
Bao House’s second grand opening will be July 9 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Orders can be placed here: https://foodnome.com/menus/drdjy.
The Black RJ movement has a policy agenda that will hold law enforcement, politicians, corporations, voters and all people living in the U.S. to account. It...
Norge has survived the pandemic and needs community help. Please drop by, share and contribute at www.gofundme.com/f/help-norge-village-through-coronavirus
Kingston 11 has become both an electric and eclectic venue, using local and organic ingredients in its environmentally-friendly, and community-oriented restaurant. Its delicacies, as well as...
Celebrating its 50th year anniversary this year, La Clínica’s sites are in the district's most underserved areas where the need for healthcare services is the highest so resources...
According to Hendriks, nearly 51,000 people in the United States last year made a request for a Witness to contact them, either through a local congregation...
“No one should live in fear of being denied the lifesaving care they are entitled to, especially as our nation continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic,”...
He warned people who get vaccinated to keep the information on the front of the card away from the view of scammers or other bad actors...
Although California lawmakers approved the budget in time for the state reopening, “and while we proudly embrace the California comeback, this last year reminds us that...
Classes are offered 6 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and there is one class at 9 a.m. on Saturdays. For more information, visit the website at:...
Newsom toured Beastmode Barbershop and Graffiti Pizza, both Black-owned businesses and held a press gaggle with the business owners, local politicians and community business leaders.
Ebens’ murder of Chin is considered the most infamous individual hate crime in Asian American history, mostly because the murderer has done no time for the...
The expanded Child Tax Credit will provide $3,000 for children ages 6-17 and $3,600 for children under 6. For the first time, families can receive the...