With education as a cornerstone, Adams emphasized the importance of youth having access to quality kindergarten through 12th-grade education along with college or vocational programming beyond...
Join us for a LIVE Virtual Town Hall on the Impact of Racism hosted by Post News Group Journalist Carla Thomas and featuring Oakland, CA NAACP...
While we recognize that the above-suggested goals will not cure all of Oakland's problems, we do, however, believe they provide objective, measurable steps that, if implemented,...
The arbitration hearing conducted by retired federal judge Maria Rivera has issued a 54-page opinion, which the Oakland NAACP says has found that the “investigation which...
On Monday morning, community leaders including representatives from the Oakland NAACP chapter held a press conference at Acts Full Gospel Church to discuss their response to...
Pastors and elected officials join Pastor Sylvester Rutledge of North Oakland Missionary Baptist Church on Monday to pray, support and present checks for the Alameda County...