NNPA NEWSWIRE — Legendary artists. Legendary moment. Legendary song. For a certain generation, 1980s lovers and music fans, this is the show of shows. A pop...
"In a world where the threat of terrorism cannot be ignored, hopefully we will learn the lessons from the past two decades and not repeat our...
Amenhotep suffered from severe dental problems, arthritis, and possibly obesity in his later years. After ruling Egypt for 38 years, he died in 1353 BCE.
This wave of violence is very brutal but not new. And unless there is a miracle from our most high God, this violence won’t be eliminated.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “Bernie is indeed a deep-rooted Socialist. In fact, many may argue that he is a Communist. He was an admirer of the history...
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A senior Afghan leader said on Monday that his country’s government will begin peace talks with the Taliban in the “near...
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A senior Afghan leader said on Monday that his country’s government will begin peace talks with the Taliban in the “near...