This past weekend, the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans received insight on how the state government might implement recommendations...
“The task force, without a doubt, is probably one of the most important task forces not only in the state, but this nation, dealing with the...
Recently, the work the task force is doing has been garnering national attention. But members say they must implement a stronger communications and public relations strategy...
“It is important for us to recognize that many critical issues that we are wrestling with today have long, old, and deep historical roots,” said Dr....
Darrick Hamilton, who was expected to bring an economic perspective to the work the group is doing, told the task force that there was some misunderstanding...
Regions in the southern, northern, and central part of the state (where many Black farmers reside) should be involved in the process, said Grills. The “listening...