Despite providing educational and employment programs and reentry pathways, recidivism in California prisons remains high, derailing the rehabilitative mission of the California Department of Corrections and...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — On the first day of the conference, Emory Edwards, EdChoice's Vice President of Outreach, asked the influencers, who had backgrounds in journalism, media,...
Dr. Kimberly Mayfield, deputy mayor of the City of Oakland, met with elected officials in France, including two members of the French National Assembly, and visited...
Tribute to storyteller and park ranger Betty Reid Soskin marking her 100th birthday
Although, Calbright survived this year’s Legislative attempt to close it, those who oppose it have not given up. They emphasize that Calbright leaders must deliver on...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Dean’s Advisory Council Chair John Crossman said, “This is an exciting time to be associated with the FAMU College of Law. I look...