If you haven’t noticed, all Americans are engaged in an even bigger game that means so much more than the Super Bowl. Our democracy is falling...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Partnering with unions, the DNC will prioritize diversity in staffing across race, background, and region, ensuring that leadership structures reflect the party’s broad...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Vice President Kamala Harris can win Florida because of her vision, her experience, her leadership skills, her rich history, her heritage, and her...
SACRAMENTO OBSERVER — Despite ongoing negotiations over undisclosed provisions, Democratic lawmakers voted to adopt their version of the spending plan because they must pass a balanced...
On Sept. 26, California Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) Tony Thurmond released a video announcing that he is running for governor in 2026. In the video,...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — With the suspension of Worrell, said Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried, DeSantis has pulled a veil over justice and imposed a reign...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — NLOA acknowledges the negative health impacts of tobacco use. However, numerous reports find that overall, smoking rates in the U.S. are the lowest...
Wess Moore (born 1978) has taken his own place in the history of American politics. He is Maryland’s first Black governor in its 246-year history and...
This past weekend, the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans received insight on how the state government might implement recommendations...
North Oakland Missionary Baptist Church (NOMBC) located at 1060 32nd St. is the second oldest Black church in Oakland, at 118 years. Having served the community...
The press could focus on covering priorities set by Attorney General Bonta for his office. Among his priorities are combating hate crimes and protecting civil rights,...
The press could focus on covering priorities set by Attorney General Bonta for his office. Among his priorities are combating hate crimes and protecting civil rights,...
Last September, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 257 into law. Supporters of the legislation, authored by Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena), hailed it for its...
"To wake up on the first day of Black History Month to news of white men in positions of privilege horse trading essential and inextricably linked...
“I am proud and honored to serve as California’s state controller,” said Malia M. Cohen. “The work to create a more equitable California has already begun....
One might chalk up the ethnic vote slide to turnout. But considering motivating factors like the economy, abortion, or even the fate of democracy, I think...
THE AFRO — Mr. Moore shared that his grandfather was always talking about this idea of understanding the assignment. The concept is taken from the Bible,...
CHICAGO DEFENDER — The Illinois Coalition for Higher Ed in Prison (IL-CHEP) and HEP advocates applaud the work of the task force. “This task force presents...
A newcomer to politics, Jones, 44, said he had been turned off by the political divisions and chaos of the past few years. Dr. Chris Jones,...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The Oakland Unified School District has remained under FCMAT’s domination since the state took over in 2003. Already, under FCMAT’s leadership, more than...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The year of 2022 will prove to be a major test of the electability of Black statewide candidates as issues around voting rights...
Mail-in ballot voting has been underway since the second week in May. Assembly Bill 37, signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2021, requires the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The city’s first African American and longest serving mayor, Byron Brown called Massey a strong and proud Black woman. “She was proficient in...
The candidates running to fill eight statewide constitutional offices (governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state (SOS), attorney general, controller, state superintendent of public instruction, insurance commissioner...
A coalition of civil rights groups has launched the Black History is American History campaign to push back on Gov. Youngkin’s efforts to force teachers and schools to...