Acclaimed by the Baltimore Sun newspaper as “one of the biggest pianistic talents to have emerged in this country in the last 25 years,” pianist Terrence...
“Thom Bell left an indelible and everlasting mark on the history of popular music, but even more so, he will be remembered by all who knew...
“We are devastated to share that Pharoah Sanders has passed away,” family representatives tweeted Saturday morning. “He died peacefully surrounded by loving family and friends in...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — During his career, Coolio enjoyed six top Billboard hits, including 1995’s Gangsta’s Paradise, which reached 1 billion streams on Spotify earlier this year....
On May 5, Rev. W.R., “Smokie” Norful Jr. preached the sermon. Norful is an American gospel singer and pianist, best known for his 2002 album, “I Need...
The 2020 Census reports 19.9 million people (6% of all respondents) identified as Asian alone in 2020, up from 14.7 million people (4.8%) in 2010. A...
George Duke received multiple Grammy nominations, the Edison Lifetime Achievement Award, and Keyboard Magazine’s “R&B Keyboardist of The Year,” and won a Grammy for producing the...
Two Black performers left the event that night with Grammys in hand: Ella Jane Fitzgerald (1917–1996) for Best Vocal Performance, Female, and Best Jazz Performance, Individual;...
The artworks, created by the Grammy-nominated visual artist Serge Gay Jr, were commissioned to encourage people to continue to take safety precautions against COVID-19 even though...
Heritage months are ways to benchmark our progress and see what urgently needs to be done now.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Earlier this month, after a rigorous selection process, the family of the late actors and activists, together with the United Negro College Fund...
ROLLINGOUT — Rikki Hughes is a veteran Emmy- and Grammy Award-winning film producer and entrepreneur. As the founder of Magic Lemonade, a production company specializing in...
CHICAGO DEFENDER — World-renowned musician C.J. Chenier and the Red Hot Louisiana Band make their Beverly Arts Center debut at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23, at 2407...
ROLLINGOUT — Bernie Lawrence-Watkins, of B. Lawrence Watkins & Associates, PC, is a seasoned entertainment attorney who has represented Grammy® Award-winning music producers, artists, songwriters, and major...
ATLANTA VOICE — John Legend says Hollywood should consider boycotting Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama and other states that pass restrictive abortion laws. Legend admits he’s not sure if...
LOS ANGELES SENTINEL — Lattimore a native of Washington, desires to share music education, resources and knowledge via access to musical training to underprivileged students.