WORD IN BLACK — Now, more than two years after the fact, the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision that protected a women’s right...
The U.S. Centers for Control and Prevention have issued a new recommendation urging all adults to receive screening for hepatitis B at least once in their...
ROLLING OUT — Eddy’s passing was confirmed by her close confidante and Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer. The Help star penned a poignant tribute to her friend for her...
“When we talk about maternal mortality, we aren’t even talking about the 50,000 near misses, [the women of all races who had] serious pregnancy-related complications, like...
“Many in the community have expressed concerns that the vaccine was created too fast to be safe and reliable,” Brooks said, “The mRNA platform … that's...
The rise in COVID-19 cases has not been accompanied by a similar rise in hospitalizations for severe illness. Today there are no patients in intensive care...
“The takeaway message to stay vigilant on booster shots and stay focused on our community’s recovery from the pandemic,” said Dr. Lisa Santora, the County’s Deputy...
Approximately 68.4% of California’s total population (counting those that are ineligible for vaccines) has received at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine while about...
So far in Alameda County, there were 99,681 recorded COVID-19 cases, more than 2,500 more cases than last week, and 1,291 COVID deaths.
San Francisco, along with all Bay Area counties, is seeing trend of rising COVID-19 cases due to delta variant
Don’t put away that mask. While the American public might be celebrating the lifting of the tightest COVID-19 restrictions in most parts of the United States,...
Although California lawmakers approved the budget in time for the state reopening, “and while we proudly embrace the California comeback, this last year reminds us that...
CHICAGO CRUSADER — Infant mortality is the death of an infant before the age of one. According to Statista, the state of Indiana ranked 9th in 2018 with...