Born in Morristown, New Jersey, in 1895, Alice Parker lived during a time when women, especially African American women, faced significant social and systemic barriers. Despite...
Our accomplishments never cease to amaze me. Imagine being a scientist who can detect hidden chemicals with just a simple test. Here’s another hidden gem. Dr....
While the pages of history often spotlight well-known inventors, there are unsung heroes whose contributions have profoundly impacted our world. One such person is William B....
Granville T. Woods, a name that reverberates through the annals of technological innovation, was a trailblazing inventor whose contributions transformed the world. Born before the U.S....
During a 1992 oral history interview with the American Institute of Physics, George Robert Carruthers (1939–2020) shared: “When I was about 8 or 9 years old,...
As a young boy he’d watched herder dogs subdue huge steers by biting their upper lips. At around age 10, he decided to do the same...