OWN’s popular series, now in its fifth season, takes viewers inside the joys and challenges of married couples. From co-creators Codie and Tommy Oliver, the famed...
The 2021 Grammy Awards from the Staples Center on March 14 were hosted by Trevor Noah, and in addition to history being made by both Beyoncé...
Even before her rise to national fame began 11 years ago, Oakland soul singer Ledisi had formed a mutual admiration society of sorts with some of...
The national message that Black lives matter somehow has not translated to the HIV/AIDS crisis. Statistics show that Black and Brown people continue to be disproportionately...
Nekesa Mumbi Moody, ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES (AP) — Beyonce gave a resplendent rendition of “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” at the Grammys but it...
Nekesa Mumbi Moody, ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES (AP) — Beyonce gave a resplendent rendition of “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” at the Grammys but it...