SACRAMENTO OBSERVER — The all-new half-hour situation comedy, “Mind Your Business,” gives viewers a sneak peek into the Williams family’s hectic and hilarious life. The show...
INGLEWOOD TODAY — As with all traditions in all cultures, it is up to the elders to pass down the rituals, food, language, and customs that...
By Barnett Wright The Birmingham Times BuildUP Community School in Birmingham on Tuesday received $3 million to expand programs that prepare high school youth for skilled...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “Martin: The Reunion,” which premieres on BET+ on June 16, 2022, will press the pause button on the laughs at the beginning of...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The Ebony Power 100 recognizes individuals in several fields and categories, including media, culture, crusaders, shining stars, and power couples.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Dr. Colin “Topper” Carew, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab (MIT), led the discussion that included monetizing mobile devices and other...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — St. John had been struggling recently with the death of his son Julian, who committed suicide in 2014 while in a mental health...