The female-driven cast, directed by Randolph-Wright, stars Maahra Hill in the title role, alongside Jill Marie Jones (TV’s “Girlfriends”). The show premieres on March 9.
By Danny Bakewell Jr. Special to the NNPA from the LA Watts Times The Motown sound began with Berry Gordy as a dreamer in Detroit and...
Whether it’s the classic songs by Diana Ross and the Supremes or the crooning sounds of Smokey Robinson, the music and the memories are captured in...
We’re talking about history. What I that means is as clear as it comes when we look at the legacy of Motown founder Berry Gordy. Gordy...
Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson will host a ceremony at 11:30 a.m., Monday, Aug. 18 at Oakland City Hall Plaza to present Motown legend Berry Gordy...
Growing up in San Francisco, Rodney Jackson knew that he wanted to dedicate his life to his passion and love for theatre. As a child, he...