OWN’s popular series, now in its fifth season, takes viewers inside the joys and challenges of married couples. From co-creators Codie and Tommy Oliver, the famed...
“Our fight for justice will carry on in Mr. Floyd’s honor, and it will not stop until all Black lives matter.
In 1894, Ruffin and her daughter, Florida Ridely, along with Maria Baldwin, a Boston school principal, and 20 other Black women from Boston founded the Woman’s...
African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans Get Access yo Low-Cost Banking
The legislative package consists of a dozen bills aiming to prevent maternal mortalities. It would provide funding for further research, increase telehealth services for those in...
Our gratitude for this measure of accountability is soul-deep. And now we ask ourselves, will things really be different this time? The answer is that they...
Recently, in some states, most notoriously Georgia and Florida, lawmakers have taken steps to restrict voting access and rights for many Americans. But in California, policymakers and...
Lee said she was thankful for the NAACP and the civil rights lawyers for bringing the lawsuit forward with members of Congress as plaintiffs.
Biden has pledged to nominate the first Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court. These nominees are a good sign that he intends to keep that...
Jordan was the former president of the National Urban League and became a close adviser to Pres. Bill Clinton during his administration. A civil rights activist, Jordan also...
Voters showed the strength of our democracy by showing up in record numbers to cast ballots to defeat an incumbent president. And voters in Georgia, led...
“I have witnessed a lot of innovation and change throughout my time with the agency, and I look forward to building on IEUA’s legacy as a...
“This organization has been part of every important battle for civil liberties during our first century, and we are committed to continuing that legacy as we...
“Too many Americans are struggling to pay for basic necessities and to provide for their families. They should not be forced to choose between paying their...
Black Americans were already in the midst of two disasters this year – the disproportionate toll of the COVID-19 pandemic and a spate of horrifying incidents of police brutality — when fire season in California started early....
As the 2020 renewal of the 1963 March on Washington was taking place in the nation’s capital it was also observed in many communities around the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Kenneth brought the newspaper into the age of digital technology and ushered in an era of a new relevance to the publication with...
THE AFRO — The campaign is a Call-to-Action and highlights the NAACP’s policy interests and supported legislation for African Americans and people of color, a large...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Zeroing in on the economic impacts of the crisis, people everywhere are struggling with competing needs in their lives. When living costs exceed...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — According to the Census Bureau post-enumeration survey, 800,000 African Americans went uncounted. What does this mean? It means once again, the voice of...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — In December 2020, Mayor DeBlasio and the New York City Council announced more than 150 awardees of the Complete Count Fund. Each awardee...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “The truth is, there are so many within this nation who are disenfranchised from receiving adequate and affordable care due to socio-economic circumstances,”...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The last time the census happened in 2010, I was a 16-year-old high school student and I made sure that we definitely did...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “I was sitting at home and brainstorming on things that I needed to do, and then the phone started to ring,” stated Rory...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — When we decided to establish our new headquarters as a living building and began to explore what it takes to do so, we...