BLACKPRESSUSA NEWSWIRE — Raphaël Glucksmann, a member of the European Parliament and co-president of France’s left-wing Public Place party, made headlines with his call to reclaim...
During the late 19th and 20th centuries, at least 88 and as many as 200 Black towns were established throughout the United States. Mostly or completely...
Among many things, Mason Tillman Associates conducts disparity studies that show how equitably or inequitably governments distribute contracts to outside businesses. “We have been able to...
The HALS Challenge is a national competition sponsored by the National Park Service to document historic landscape projects. This year’s prompt was to document landscapes in...
According to a 2009 California Senate Joint Resolution (SJR-21), authored by former state Sen. Roderick Wright (D-Inglewood), on the night of July 17, 1944, two transport...
Tribute to storyteller and park ranger Betty Reid Soskin marking her 100th birthday
Suh spoke at the 2017 Women’s March on Wash., D.C., and has also appeared as a media commentator for the New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC,...
Chief Smith’s experience serving in leadership roles in every U.S. Park Police field office has provided her with an unmatched foundation to lead the diverse agency,”...
The East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors is searching for a new name for the Park District’s 2,540 acre Concord Hills Regional Park that...
CHICAGO CRUSADER — Gary city officials are planning to spend approximately $1 million to remodel portions of historic City Hall. Some city employees have been assigned...
NNPA NEWSROOM: The African Burial Ground is a cemetery in Manhattan that’s considered the oldest and largest known burial ground in North America for free and...
CHARLESTON CHRONICLE — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s home in the historic Vine City neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia, will be made accessible to the public.
WASINGTON INFORMER — The Department of the Interior and the National Park Service has appointed the 400 Years of African History Commission and charged it with...
By Anthony Rendon and Chris Holden Apparently, history makes some people uncomfortable. The facts make some people uncomfortable. Pressure from people with a limited grasp of...
UC Berkeley is receiving funding for the project, “Black Panther Party Research, Interpretation & Memory Project,” expected to last from Aug. 30, 2017, to Sept. 30,...