"Oakland is putting its best foot forward in anticipation of the thousands of fans that will be celebrating the NBA All-Star Games," said Oakland Mayor Kevin Jenkins. "As...
Clifton also received the 33rd John A. Britton Gold Medal Award for rescuing a family from a burning home and started his 40th year at PG&E last...
Prior to the pandemic, less than 2% of callers were asking for utility assistance, but in the last year that percentage has grown to 8.2%, according...
The city of Oakland is taking steps to streamline permits for businesses to entice them to stay and bring new projects to the city. Additionally, the...
A Black Hawk helicopter modified to haul 900 gallons of water will be boosting the Marin County Fire Department's aerial resources this fire season in a...
Over 450,000 California residents were without power during Tuesday's high winds and rain, PG&E officials said during a briefing on Wednesday. And in the Bay Area...
While official forecasts can change day to day, the outlook for Berkeley includes some periods of strong wind gusts. A National Weather Service flood watch is...
For the 2021 baseball season, Kemp teamed up with a national organization and pledged to plant 100 trees in urban communities for every stolen base and...
A giant sun costume, giant battery take to the streets to galvanize public support for rooftop solar
With utility scams continuing to peak during the current pandemic, PG&E urges customers to be vigilant and to know what steps to take to prevent themselves...
He loved to travel, read, promote science, technology and the environment, highlighting the accomplishments of African Americans in this country and throughout the African Diaspora.
Featuring: Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White interwoven to create positive comm – unity
Norge has survived the pandemic and needs community help. Please drop by, share and contribute at www.gofundme.com/f/help-norge-village-through-coronavirus
As the new General Manager of the SFPUC, Herrera would bring decades of experience serving San Francisco residents and advancing the fight for significant environmental policies.
We have been working with customers with past-due balances for more than a year and will continue these efforts months after the protections expire. PG&E will...
Community Support Awareness to Value Energy (SAVE), a faith-based organization in Oakland, has been selected by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) to participate in a...
By Marisol Beas | California Black Media California is often portrayed in the media as a utopian state with fantastic weather year-round, serene beaches, and scenic...
By Genoa Barrow | California Black Media Summertime is a great time for outdoor activities but when the temperature begins to hit triple digits, many consumers...
By Genoa Barrow | California Black Media Whether or not temperatures will hit triple digits remains to be seen, but Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) has...
PowerPathway™ debuted in 2008 and came to Oakland in 2012. There are also locations in Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Jose. By Genoa Barrow |...
Students in the PG&E PowerPathway workforce development program have the opportunity to gain the skills needed to work in the utility industry – as welders, linemen,...
Today, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Veterans Employee Resource Group awarded 10 scholarships totaling $55,000 to college and college-bound students. The ceremony was held at...
Community members turned out last Saturday to celebrate the dedication ceremony of a new baseball field at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park. Funded by...
The African American Employee Network (AAEN) of the Bay Area hosted its 2nd Annual Black Professionals Holiday Mixer Wednesday, Dec .18 at the Museum of the...
By Wil Hardee PG&E is about to receive a hefty fine for their role in the San Bruno tragedy – and it should. The Oakland African...