NNPA NEWSWIRE — Despite vast challenges and unproven allegations, the executors have transformed Jackson’s estate into a financial powerhouse. Following Jackson’s death in 2009, the estate...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The mission of SBCLA is to acknowledge that “God was in Christ redeeming, reconciling and restoring the world unto himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19)...
Use a short survey to help refine a wide-ranging plan to improve how the City and community members can prepare for and respond to wildfires. The...
A whole host of partners are involved in the event, including Groundwork Richmond, Rich City Rides’ Moving Forward, Hope Worldwide, The Watershed Project, Contra Costa Resource...
President Biden pointed out that Republicans “who voted against the Infrastructure Bill, called me and the bill “socialist” and then attacked — all Democrats who passed...
THE ATLANTA VOICE — “This is a very male-dominated industry,” said founder and chairwoman of The Black Collegiate Gaming Association (BCGA) Keshia Walker. “I have faced...
In 2022, the voters of Oakland will have an opportunity to elect the next mayor for our city. The Mayor of Oakland is the head of...
The Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation (ARCCA), is conducting a series of seminars entitled “Building an Inclusive and Equitable Adaptation Movement.” Their recent seminar,...