Corey Williams, ASSOCIATED PRESS DETROIT (AP) — Protesters on Wednesday called for criminal charges to be brought against two police officers who appear to be...
By Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. NNPA Columnist The 2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday should have a different impact on the collective consciousness of...
Justin Moyer and Nick Kirkpatrick, THE WASHINGTON POST (The Washington Post)—Since an unarmed black teenager was killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., on...
Rebecca Macatee, E! ONLINE (—Nicki Minaj isn’t one of the artists caught up in a racially fueled Twitter war at the moment, but that doesn’t...
Richmond Police Chief Chris Magnus set off a storm of protests – including from some rank and file members of his wn department, when he held...
Nearly 800 community members and faith leaders packed into the pews of Third Baptist Church on Sunday to hear remarks from Michael Brown Sr. father of...
By Judith Scherr More than 100 people came to a raucous Berkeley City Council meeting Tuesday to vent their anger at what they said was police...
The Black Student Union (BSU) at Encinal High School in Alameda on Wednesday held a “Black Lives Matter” silent protest and lunchtime forum to stand in...
Energized by images of police armed with military hardware in Ferguson, MO, Bay Area activists are mobilizing to oppose the Urban Shield SWAT war games and...
Protesters affiliated with PUEBLO and the Ella Baker Center attempted to confront Oakland Police Department Compliance Director Tom Frazier at his office on Wednesday. They have...