The mission of the Black Panthers 10-point program, envisioned in 1966, germinated in 2000 at the first annual Malcolm Jazz Festival in San Antonio Park, hosted...
In 2021, the 40x40 initiative was created by a coalition of community-based organizations, Roots Community Health Clinic, Black Cultural Zone (BCZ), the Brotherhood of Elders Network...
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, speaking recently at New Hope Baptist Church at 5717 Foothill Blvd. in East Oakland, pledged to bring new investments to the community...
A new philanthropic partnership is kicking off a $100 million plan to invest $100 million to enhance the quality of life in a 40-by-40 block area...
By Post Staff A new philanthropic partnership is kicking off a $100 million plan to invest $100 million to enhance the quality of life in a...