Motivated to protect trans, Black and Hispanic people from persecution by police, State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) sponsored the Safer Streets for All Act. Passed...
The seeds have been planted for another California law that could loosen restrictions on the use of recreational drugs in the United States.
In the Sacramento County race, the CLBC threw its support behind former prosecutor Alana Mathews for district attorney. That election is scheduled for June 7, 2022.
Vanessa Russell, founder of the Bay Area’s Love Never Fails, a non-profit dedicated to the restoration, education, and protection of those involved or at risk of...
The California Supreme Court ruled on Aug. 11 that Los Angeles County had to pay $8 million to the family of Darren Burley, an unarmed Black...
Senator Loni Hancock, Chair of the Senate Committee on Public Safety, has filed a legal brief supporting the elimination of California’s death penalty. Senator Hancock was...
A bill by Senator Loni Hancock (D-Oakland) to revise and reform solitary confinement conditions in California’s prisons passed its first legislative hurdle this week. The Senate...