NNPA NEWSWIRE — Reparations United holds that the Evanston Restorative Housing Program is a crime-based claim for apartheid housing policies, and as crimes against humanity, with...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The catalyst for the riots was the violent arrest and assault of two Black Soldiers, leading to a group of 110 soldiers seizing...
On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists crossed the Israel-Gaza border and indiscriminately slaughtered Israeli civilians in their homes. They killed nearly 300 young people at a...
Not much has been recorded of Yasuke’s life. There are no verifiable records after 1582, and his birth country is unknown. What researchers do know is...
Dec. 31, 1862, then, would become the Watch Night of all Watch Nights. Ninety-nine days earlier, Pres. Abraham Lincoln had announced his intention to free people...
Investigators are still going through video and social media documenting the attempt to disrupt congressional affirmation of President Joe Biden’s victory. Just six months ago.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “When I went to the police academy, which was some time ago, a lot of people were coming back from Iraq, and they...