Chief Pridgen comes to San Leandro after serving as the police chief of the City of Seaside. Prior to Seaside, Chief Pridgen spent 26 years with...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “Minority and low-income Americans suffer from a significant lack of access to quality health care. They are also more likely not to have...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “It is well documented that African Americans get sick more frequently, are screened for illness less often, are diagnosed for disease later, are...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The Community Reinvestment Act was enacted in 1977 as a direct response to redlining, an unethical practice whereby banks and other lending institutions...
MILWAUKEE COURIER — Over the last year, Ascension Wisconsin has been listening to local stakeholders through interviews with patients, individuals, community organizations, a Community Health Needs Assessment...