The CLBC was established in 1967 by Black members of the California Legislature to address the concerns of African Americans and other citizens of color. The...
The Coalition for a Just and Equitable California (CJEC) is a statewide organization comprised of various associations, community groups, and individuals united by a commitment to...
California could pay more than $800 billion in reparations to Black residents for generations of housing discrimination, disproportionate incarceration and over-policing, economists told a state panel...
In an effort to address a growing need for mental health and addiction care, a bill was introduced on Monday in the state assembly to develop...
Last week, Assemblymember Tina McKinnor (D-Inglewood) joined a diverse panel of women legislators at the “Women in California’s Legislature: 2023 Speaker Series on California’s Future” luncheon...
Ballot counting will continue for the next few days. A total of 170,452 county residents voted, or 18.31% of registered voters. Of these 3.29% voted on...
As gun violence plagues the country, the tug-of-war between gun rights and gun regulations on a local and national level will likely continue. Although California has...
“For every parent like me who is anxiously watching their children grow older in the digital world, there are millions of others whose teens (and often,...
"I am grateful for Mia [Bonta]’s support, and I look forward to our continued work together to ensure Oakland is vibrant and thriving for all residents,”...
For months now, people in California political circles have been speculating that Sen. Sydney Kamlager (D-Los Angeles), 49, would enter the race to succeed Bass, but,...
“We’re about balance, inclusion, and stating the case precisely so that it doesn’t face paralysis of analysis or become just another study,” Brown said. “We have...
According to the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, because the proposed maps chop up and split districts where African Americans live, Black political power will be diluted...
Social justice lawyer Janani Ramachandran is a runoff election for State Assembly District 18, which will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 31.
Weber is California’s first African American Secretary of State and the fifth Black person to serve as a constitutional officer in the state’s 170-year history. She...
Blackwell, who is African American, accuses Ma of inappropriate behavior, including revealing her bare posterior on more than one occasion. San Francisco’s attorney Waukeen McCoy filed...
The candidates are running to represent Oakland, Alameda and San Leandro in a June 29 special election for California State Assembly District #18, a seat that...