In an escalation of labor pressure, hundreds of teachers boycotted district-organized Professional Development (PD) sessions, instead attending a mass, Oakland Education Association (OEA) rally this week...
As Oakland Leaders who hold the well-being and educational needs of Oakland residents to the highest priority, we respectfully request your collaboration with the City of...
On March 1, 2023, the San Francisco Chronicle wrote a one-sided story, which contained inaccurate and hyperbolic statements, about the decision of the Oakland school board...
When the Holy Names University Board of Trustees declared in December 2022 that the college was closing, they said they could not afford to remain open...
Austin Beutner, the former superintendent of LAUSD who spearheaded Proposition 28, recently talked with EdSource about how the groundbreaking arts education initiative will roll out and...
The 2023 Contra Costa County Poetry Out Loud event was hosted by Contra Costa County Office of Education and Contra Costa County, serving as the countywide...
“We don’t want to strike, but we will if it means doing what is best for our students. Over 90% of all union members who participated...
There are four Black candidates running for state public office: Shirley Weber, Tony Thurmond, Malia Cohen and Angela Underwood Jacobs.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Over 50% of Black borrowers report their net worth is less than they owe in student loan debt. Also, Black students are more...
GREENE COUNTY DEMOCRAT — “My platform includes more funding for education, adopting a lottery for education and other measures to raise teacher salaries and provide teacher...
The workforce housing would have a few requirements for hopeful renters, including a lottery to parcel out the tenancies. Renters must be low- to moderate-income by...
Trumpish state legislators are introducing laws to make it illegal to teach anything that might make white students experience “discomfort.” One Texas lawmaker demanded information from...
Teachers, students and the Oakland Education Association had been vocal about COVID safety issues during the last two school years. Last January, OUSD teachers protested, as...
We cannot begin to heal our divisions until we acknowledge and teach our whole history — good and bad. And we know that standing up for...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — As I witness you celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade, I want to challenge you. I want you to really consider the...
The Oakland Teacher Residency (OTR) program received $120,000 from the National Center for Teacher Residencies (NCTR) to expand efforts to recruit and develop Black educators for...
Thanks to the anti-democratic Electoral College, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 even though almost 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. Republican Senate leader...
In a KQED interview, Mayor Libby Schaaf supported the proposed closing of 15 schools as an “opportunity” and even went father. “This is not just some...
Scholars have identified the kind of polarization taking place in our country, and the kind of diminished commitment to democracy we have seen among Trump Republicans,... and Adamika Village#stopkillingourkidsmovement’s, ‘Peace in the Streets’ initiative began the banner and yard sign project last year with the installation of 101 banners from 74th...
The community plan is to “liberate” the school and reopen the school as Parker Community Schools. “We will have resources, programs and classes by and for...
Hundreds of longshore worker and school activists in a variety of organizations who participated in the one-day strike on Friday, April 29 are developing plans to...
Recently, CBM spoke with another Black Republican candidate Shawn Collins who is running for governor. Critics say Collins’ attempt to become governor is ambitious because he...
The Oakland administration and school board have rushed to close schools ignoring its own policy and contract commitments to implement its commitments to confer with parents,...
We invite all Americans to celebrate Black History Month, too. It is all around us. There’s Black history to learn about in your neighborhoods, at your...