NNPA NEWSWIRE — Jackson, a renowned figure in the fight for civil rights, founded PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) in 1971 and established the National...
In her 1968 run for president, Mitchell’s slogan was “Black and White Unite to Fight Racism, Poverty, and War!” She and her running mate made it...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “For young people who don’t have access to caddie programs where they live, the WGA Caddie Academy offers a supportive community and an...
The scholarships cover not just tuition, but completely cover room and board, books and fees, and other related college expenses and can be used to attend...
For young Arthur Bertram Cuthbert Walker II (1936–2001), the only love in his future was science. Born in Cleveland, his family relocated to Bronx, NY. It...
Bettye Washington Greene (1935–1995), who was believed to be the first African-American female chemist employed to work in a professional position at the Dow Chemical Company...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — According to published reports, three out of every four inmates in Illinois prisons are African American, causing some to conclude that banning the...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “My dad was a bigger believer in good basketball… basketball was basketball to him, and I think he recognized early the impact that...
CHICAGO DEFENDER — The Bank of America Chicago Marathon continues to generate significant impact for the city of Chicago, with the 2018 race contributing a record-breaking...
(CNN) – They called it the “dog pound.” It was a separate practice for women’s basketball players at the University of Illinois, a majority of them...
(CNN) – They called it the “dog pound.” It was a separate practice for women’s basketball players at the University of Illinois, a majority of them...